Chapter 56- Dueling Practice

Start from the beginning

"But I'll admit you do have a 'unique' skillset," I retorted, matching his mischief with my own.

Before I knew it, he swiftly flipped me over and pinned me down with a splash, his hand holding my neck as I leaned on my forearms. Fortunately, my transformation gave me more control over my mermaid abilities in water.

Before the consecration ceremony, depending on the amount of water, any touch of water would cause my true nature to shine through.

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We remained locked in that position for what felt like an eternity, our breaths heavy, and our eyes locked in an intense gaze. Then, abruptly, he got up and started walking away, deliberately avoiding my eyes and releasing his grip on my neck.

Baffled and curious, I sat up and watched as he walked away on the land. My curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to follow him.

"Seb?" I called out, my voice filled with confusion. "Sebastian! Where are you going?"

Sebastian turned around, his gaze filled with a complex mixture of longing and inner conflict, a look I hadn't seen in a while.

"Seb," I said softly, attempting to provide an answer to the unspoken question in his eyes before realizing what it was. "No... I can't..."

"It's no use, Yvaine," he replied, now walking back towards me. "We have to discuss this."

Desperate to avoid the impending conversation, I attempted to walk away, each step on the gravel path seemingly growing louder and more grating with each stride.

However, Sebastian persisted in following me, his voice brimming with emotion. "I've loved you since our seventh year, or perhaps from the very moment we first crossed paths, and I didn't fully realize it until recently," he confessed, his words spilling out.

"I haven't broached this subject with everything that's been going on—the coronation, the battle, our teaching roles, the night terrors, and aiding Ominis—but now, there's nothing holding me back..."

"No, Sebastian," I interjected, my voice quivering under the weight of unspoken emotions, desperately trying to stave off the conversation that threatened to unravel the fragile equilibrium between us.

"I've been patient, my heart aching with the hope that your affection would naturally blossom, yearning for a sign to guide us forward, but I can't bear this agony of watching from a distance," he continued with fervent imploration.

"Or rather, I'm completely at your mercy to set me free because you... you are the focal point of my universe, a blazing star in the vast darkness of my existence, a force that I would willingly allow to consume me, to let my love for you burn me from the inside out."

"Sebastian, I don't believe I deserve love, not with the way my life is... You deserve a life where you can truly live with your partner, grow old together without any worries—a life you want. You once mentioned that even with our life spans .. it might not even work out," I replied hesitantly, tears welling up.

"I would rather have a few years with you than none at all, Yvaine! I love you! Every second with you would be more valuable than all the riches in this world and the next," he said with frustration, his grip on my arm turning me around to face him.

"Tell me what you want, Yvaine. Because I know what I want. I'm holding it in my hands right now," he declared, his eyes filled with both frustration and unwavering love.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration, my emotions bubbling to the surface. "Of course I want you! Of course, I want this!" I exclaimed, pushing him away gently, my hand reaching to touch my forehead as I tried to gather my thoughts.

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now