Chapter 49- War

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Yvaine POV

Cornfield Chase by Hans Zimmer

"I only completed enough so that you could activate the Orb," Morgana responded. We all stood near the edge of a cliff, peering out into the vast, nearly complete darkness that stretched before us, much like the endless expanse of the ocean.

The battles in each domain raged on, but it was uncertain how much longer we could hold out. If she was not stopped, I feared she would direct her creatures to other domains, unleashing a full-scale invasion. Yet, even she could not accomplish this alone. Most likely, she would awaken the ancient ones, the beings that haunted our darkest nightmares.

The haunting visions the Oracle had shown me flashed vividly in my mind.

3rd Person POV

The battles raged on for hours, with both sides refusing to relent. Each person lost only fueled the anger, anguish, and the desperate fight for survival. Aurors, wizards, sirens, and other merfolk fought side by side, offering assistance despite long-held differences and biases. Societal shifts were evident with every assisted dodge and combined attack.

Even the Queen contemplated multiple scenarios. In case they failed to stop the horde from breaching their defenses, she considered a final incantation as a last resort—an incantation that had only been used once in the entire history of the Realm. One that would cost her life and potentially tear down an entire domain.

As she deftly evaded attacks from Zephyr, the Queen discreetly beckoned one of her high-ranking admirals closer. "Should I fail, your task will be to evacuate everyone from here and relocate to the other domains. The Guardians will assist in opening the portals to expedite the process."

Their eyes communicated more swiftly than words ever could.

"My Queen... Are you truly considering such an option? I believed that only the gods possessed such power," the admiral marveled, his awe and concern palpable. "It would kill you!"

"You speak the truth," the Queen acknowledged, her regal composure undiminished. "However, queens possess a limited version of this power. It would prove fatal to us, not to Poseidon. Its purpose is to ensure that we are never tempted to rebel against him or yield to selfish desires. It is truly a last resort." Their eyes remained fixed on the battlefield.

With that unwavering response, the Queen returned to her battle with Zephyr.

Or at least what was left of his vessel.

"Watching your entrails spill out will be a sweet sight, Princess," he taunted as he delivered another superficial slash to the Queen's tail. "Just as I did with Octavius."

"I buried you once, Zephyr, and I can do it again!" she roared defiantly between each exchange of blows. Heartbreak and outraged fueled her might.

Meanwhile, in the Leviathan Domain, a parallel epic battle unfolded. The powerful lumos spell casted by one of the Unspeakables had significantly improved their chances in the conflict. It illuminated the dark waters, enabling more accurate and successful attacks from their side.

Before, Yvaine and Alaric had been attempting to shadow Morgana and Ominis as they ventured deeper into the Leviathan Domain. However, Alaric got separated from Yvaine trying to protect Gabriel, becoming deeply immersed in the ongoing battle. His guardian status and lethal combat skills were unmistakable as he entered the fray.

Alaric's movements were not only deadly but also graceful, a testament to his exceptional combat prowess. He executed a precise and deadly sequence of strikes, disarming adversaries with swift and fluid movements. With a masterful display of martial artistry, he engaged in a mesmerizing dance of combat, gracefully dodging attacks and retaliating with breathtaking precision. His foes struggled to keep up with the elegant but deadly ballet of violence, unable to match his skill and finesse.

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now