Chapter 9- Homebound Turmoil

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Way Down We Go- Instrumental on Spotify


Another day dawns, devoid of any visual cues to indicate a change, yet filled with the familiar sounds of rustling outside my door and the gentle caress of wind against the window. As I rouse from my slumber, my senses come alive, compensating for the absence of sight. I rely on touch, sound, and intuition to navigate the world around me.

I stretch out, feeling the comfort of the bed beneath me and the softness of the sheets against my skin. Slowly, I rise and make my way to the bathroom, my steps guided by the feel of the familiar floor beneath my feet. With practiced precision, I locate the sink and run my fingers over my face, searching for any indications of stubble that need attention. The slight roughness alerts me to the need for a shave, and I reach for my razor, mapping the contours of my face with careful strokes.

Next, I reach for my wand, my fingers instinctively finding the smooth, polished wood. With a flick of my wrist, I guide the wand through the air, shaping my hair into a neat and refined style. I rely on muscle memory and the tactile feedback from my fingers to ensure that every strand falls into place.

As I move through the room, my fingertips graze the surfaces, tracing the edges of furniture and feeling the textures of the objects around me. Passing by the window, I detect a subtle change in temperature, a gentle warmth that hints at the sun's rays filtering through the curtains. Though I cannot see the light, I can sense its presence, and I appreciate the soft caress it offers to my skin.

In selecting my attire for the day, I rely on a combination of memory and organization. I reach for a crisp white button-up shirt, knowing its location in my wardrobe. I run my hands over the fabric, feeling the smoothness and assessing its cleanliness. Layered over the shirt, I choose a light sweatshirt in forest green, the logo offering a sense of tranquility and connection to my Slytherin pride.

Before leaving my room, I reach into a drawer and retrieve a small box, its contents filled with rings that hold personal significance. With practiced movements, I trace the contours and patterns of each ring with my fingertips, allowing my tactile senses to identify them. Among them, the Gaunt signet ring carries the weight of my lineage, a stark reminder of the complexities and challenges that accompany my family history.

As I touch the familiar symbol, a wave of conflicting emotions washes over me. The pride of my heritage mingles with a sense of unease, for the pure-blood beliefs and disdain for those considered "lesser" have always been at odds with my own values. The inherent prejudices of my lineage have often alienated me from others, an isolation that was only amplified by my blindness.

Navigating the world as a blind individual poses its own unique challenges. Establishing genuine connections with others can be difficult, as visual cues play a significant role in social interactions. However, in the midst of this struggle, I was fortunate enough to encounter kindred spirits like Sebastian and Anne, who saw beyond the surface and embraced me for who I am. Their friendship offered a lifeline of understanding and acceptance, helping to bridge the gap between my blindness and the sighted world.

And then, there was Yvaine. A force of nature who entered my life unexpectedly, defying all expectations. Her presence brought both excitement and trepidation, especially now as I navigated the unfamiliar territory of romance. With her, I felt a connection that transcended physical appearance and societal expectations. She saw me for who I truly am, beyond my blindness and the prejudices associated with my family name.

Once I reached my classroom and office, I carefully organized my materials, ensuring that everything was accessible and in its designated place. With a sense of familiarity and precision, I began the process of converting my Defense Against the Dark Arts course materials into braille.

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now