Chapter 47- Welcome To Leviathan Domain

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Yvaine POV

We also made plans for the evacuation of the Seraphine Domain should it become necessary. The merfolk would seek refuge in nearby Domains. We fervently hoped it would not come to this. Our aim was to confine the battle to the outskirts of the city in an effort to minimize damage. The alchemists labored tirelessly to cast a protective shield over the entire city, a daunting task given its immense size.

I watched as the magical shield slowly enveloped us, my mind consumed with the impending challenges. Within the castle, there was a flurry of activity—sirens, alchemists, staff, and merflok—each diligently preparing for what was to come.

"What else troubles you, Yvaine?" My mother inquired after the meeting had concluded.

"She's wants to perform the ceremony on me... or at least, she'll try," I began. "I understand you want me to remain here, but I'd rather meet her in her Domain than risk more lives by having her come to our city, searching for me."

My mother enveloped me in a loving embrace. As the current Queen, she always exuded poise and calm, qualities I aspired to emulate one day if I were to ascend the throne. She gently stroked my head, offering comfort.

"I comprehend, my dearest. You must resist it at any cost. Without the proper safeguards, the transformation could kill yo. Indeed, she offered her assistance with mine, but she wasn't present throughout every step. Nothing instills greater dread in me than the notion of you ensnared by her trap. I implore you to reconsider," she said, her eyes filled with profound emotion, though she valiantly struggled to subdue it.

"My Queen, we must commence our preparations and mobilize our forces. I will accompany Yvaine and the group as we make our way to Morgana," Josephine declared, her tone carrying the same authority I had come to recognize from her training sessions with other Sirens.

Ominis POV

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My family, Morgana, Sebastian, and I had managed to make our way down to the Leviathan Domain, a submerged nightmare beneath the depths of the ocean. Morgana's lair lay not too far on the outer edge of this watery abyss. She described the domain as unforgiving, a realm devoid of all goodness, where every living thing posed a dire threat. The further we descended, the slimmer our chances of returning, and even those who did emerge were forever altered.

The surrounding water seemed to press in on us with a suffocating weight. The ominous sounds of underwater currents echoed through the dark, creating a disconcerting symphony of gurgles, moans, and the faint, eerie creaking of unseen aquatic entities. The very water whispered haunting secrets that sent cold chills racing down our spines.

In this aquatic realm, my lack of sight didn't feel like a curse. Perhaps sight would pose as a liability should we ever see the actuality of our surroundings. Paralyzed with fear. Morgana had warned us that navigating this underwater darkness was a challenge, but even in this murky abyss, the faint sounds of unseen horrors were enough to send our hearts pounding. The oppressive environment was a constant reminder that we were intruders in a place that should have remained undisturbed, a realm reeking of death and ancient beings that should never be awakened from their watery slumber.

"We are so close children!" Silas exclaimed. "I can practically feel the heat of the fires that will burn down the Ministry and every last auror, muggle, and wizard that would stand against us."

"Once Morgana completes this ceremony, the princess will be able to activate the Orb, granting us the power we need to take over, just as we were always meant to. Only purebloods should have been leading our world. Just think of it!" Silas continued.

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