Chapter 19- Three Broomsticks

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Yvaine POV

I felt bad for the poor piano. Just minding its own business. But how could I resist my best friend when he touched me with so much longing and tenderness. It didn't hurt that he was also an amazing lover.

Lover... love... the words echoed in my mind, stirring a mix of emotions and questions. Was this what was happening? I yearned to ponder the notion, but my weary body and mind were engulfed in exhaustion and haze. Nestled in Ominis's arms, I never wanted to leave, even though the piano was far from comfortable.

As we both sat up, Ominis drew me in for another quick kiss. He was undeniably gorgeous, his tousled dirty blonde hair adding to his allure. It was then that I noticed the tattoo on his underarm, bearing the phrase "Nulla Intrusio." I made a mental note to inquire about its meaning later. His arm snaked around my waist, gently helping me back down. As he helped me dress, a deep blush washed over his face when I blurted out, "Ominis, you're quite handsome."

A soft smile came across his face, unsure of how to respond. I found it adorable how a simple comment could make him shy when just moments ago he was thrusting into me like an animal.

"Thank you Yvy, I've never really noticed" he chuckled, running his fingers through his hair. " but I already know your quite gorgeous yourself".

"How would you even?" I laughed teasing him.

"Your soul is breathtaking... I don't need to know anything else," he confessed, his words carrying a depth that made my heart flutter.

We spent the rest of the day together, exploring the castle and the sprawling grounds of Hogwarts. Engrossed in a lively discussion about Quidditch, an owl swooped down, delivering a message from Poppy.

"Come to the Three Broomsticks at 10PM. We've got to kick the year off right!" I read aloud, curiosity piqued.

"I'm up for it if you are, but why 10PM?" Ominis pondered. Ominis also sent an owl to Sebastian in case he wanted to join.

Later on, we made our way to Hogsmeade using Floo Powder. As we approached the Three Broomsticks, a bustling crowd awaited outside its doors. At the left end, we spotted Poppy.

"Yvaine! Ominis! Over here!" she called out, beckoning us over to her and Garreth.

"Oh my stars!" I exclaimed, rushing to embrace my long-lost classmate. It had been years since we had seen each other. Garreth chimed in with his trademark confidence, saying, "Alright, now that I'm here, the real fun begins." He had been apprenticing under a renowned potion master and would be teaching Basics and Experimental Potion classes. We shared a group hug, excitement and nostalgia filling the air.

"Any idea what's happening with this crowd?" I asked, glancing around, eager to unravel the mystery.

"It seems Serona has introduced a new concept at the pub. Starting from 10PM, they're hosting a social gathering with live music," Poppy explained, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Pierre by Ryn Weaver on Spotify

As the clock struck 10, the doors of the Three Broomsticks were finally opened by a group of waiters. Stepping inside, we were met with an atmosphere that exuded both coziness and excitement. The typically pub seemed to have expanded in size creating more room in the middle for dancing. At the front was a stage was a gentleman who had a unique set up. The familiar pub had undergone a subtle transformation, ready to embrace the lively energy of the gathering.

DJ Spellbound's setup is a kaleidoscope of magic and technology. His wand, a supple 12-inch vine wood with a Phoenix feather core, serves as a magical stylus on his enchanted translucent music records that float in mid-air, glowing and changing color to the beats. Around him, a network of spectral sound orbs, amplifying runes, and holographic equalizers bring a new-age touch to the wizarding scene.

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