Chapter 25- Ocean's Calling

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Warmth. Comfort. Safety. Bliss. Pure bliss is all I could feel as I woke up to the gentle warmth of the morning sun. Casting a glance towards my right, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of Ominis sprawled across it, his unruly bedhead adding an endearing charm to his appearance. His chest rose and fell with each steady breath, bathed in the soft hues of the dawning sky that peaked through the tents entrance, blending shades of rosy pink and subtle apricot. I took a moment to appreciate his serene presence, his almost angelic aura captivating my heart.

After getting dressed, I stepped outside the tent, greeted by the majestic Hogwarts castle standing proudly before me. The sky above continued its transformation, layers of pink deepening and shifting, creating a breathtaking canvas above. Memories of our youthful days flooded my mind, each one a treasured piece of our journey together. From my first year as a fifth-year student, to the countless spells learned and mischievous pranks exchanged, to the bonds forged with remarkable friends, the laughter, the conflicts, the shared protection. Thoughts of Ranrok, my mother's valiant rescue of Professor Fig, his subsequent disappearance to safeguard me, and the unwavering support of both Sebastian and Ominis filled my thoughts, a bittersweet tear threatening to escape my eye.

As the Nymphin swooped by, nearly knocking me off balance, I couldn't help but chuckle at its playful nature. "Well, hello there! You nearly had me tripping over myself," I remarked, accepting the pearl it handed me.. Instinctively, I whispered the incantation, "Aperio Nuntis."

My mother's image projected out. "Yvaine, a grave matter is at stake. The Orb of Tides has resurfaced, and there are malevolent forces seeking to exploit its power. Aurora and her companion were ambushed while on duty. Aurora managed to escape with her life, but her partner was not so fortunate. Please rendezvous with Josephine at the coast dock. She will safely escort you back to us, where we must convene and strategize." The messaged faded back into the pearl where it disintegrated in my hand.

My body trembled involuntarily as Ominis's comforting hands found their way to my shoulders. "Yvaine?" he called out, concern lacing his voice. I barely registered his words, still struggling to comprehend the gravity of the message I had just received. Taking a deep breath, I followed Ominis back inside the tent, my mind racing to process the information.

As we settled in the lounge area, Ominis spoke up, breaking the silence. "I'm guessing that was a message from your realm?" he ventured, his voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and support.

I nodded slowly, still reeling from the shock of it all. Thoughts swirled in my mind as I tried to piece together the fragments of the message. Ominis moved closer, his touch reassuring as he gently held my hands, as if trying to anchor me in the present moment.

"That was my mother," I began, my voice laced with a mix of concern and uncertainty. "She's asking me to return to the realm to discuss what happened. Aurora, one of our sirens, was stationed at the coast... we had been working on establishing an alliance between the ministry and our realm. But something went wrong... there's been an incident."

As we made our way back to the castle, my mind raced with possibilities and questions. I led Ominis to my room, my hands trembling as I searched frantically for a specific text from the realm. Finally, I found it amidst the pages, the words illuminating the ancient knowledge I sought.

"Orb of Tides," I muttered to myself, my eyes scanning the passage. "A divine relic created by Poseidon himself in the aftermath of a devastating battle against the dark leviathan Gorak. The realm was left in ruins, its once pristine seas tainted with darkness. In an act of divine intervention, Poseidon crafted the Orb of Tides with the intention of purifying and restoring the waters."

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now