Chapter 30- Tide's Turn

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"Merlin's Beard, how did you lose them! Your magic is lackluster, brother," Arabella scolded Ambrose, her arms crossed as she surveyed the beach. They had been tracking a group of individuals who had appeared at the coast house. "I mean, it's blood magic... almost impossible to mess up."

"I know!" Ambrose exclaimed, equally frustrated. He continued trying different spells in an attempt to restart the tracking. They had spotted Ominis with the group and were surprised to find them at the house. Recognizing his magic had initially made their task seemingly easy. However, as they continued to follow, they began to feel ill, as if someone was casting a counter spell to dislocate their exact location. Unintentionally, Josephine had also been casting magic to protect their group from the Gaunts, rather than just Gabriel. She had sensed their ill intentions.

Suddenly, Morgana appeared, sitting calmly on a rock on the beach. At this point, she was still corpse-like but her vitality slowly was returning. Arabella and Ambrose exchanged puzzled glances, not knowing who she was or how she had managed to appear seemingly out of nowhere.

"You won't have any luck finding them now. They're long gone, and now that they're at sea, it will be impossible to detect them," Morgana said casually as she straightened herself. Her eyes held a glint of malice, hidden behind a composed facade. Her true origins as someone from the ocean and the extent of her immense power remained hidden to the Gaunts.

Surprised and wary, the Gaunts backed into a fighting stance, unsure of this enigmatic newcomer.

"Even at my weakest, you two wouldn't be able to put a scratch on me," Morgana asserted confidently, with a wave of her hand.

"Who are you?" Arabella asked, her voice tinged with suspicion and curiosity.

"Oh, where are my manners," she said as she gracefully slid off the rock, a subtle wickedness lingering in her demeanor. . "A friend to some, an enemy to others. But right now, let's just say I have a vested interest in that group you were tracking."

Arabella and Ambrose exchanged another look, their unease growing. They knew nothing of Morgana's true identity or the depths of her power, yet she seemed to possess knowledge that was beyond their understanding.

"And why should we trust you?" Ambrose asked cautiously, keeping his guard up.

Morgana chuckled softly, revealing nothing of her true intentions. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with a touch of wicked delight. "You don't have to trust me, but you should know that our goals align for the moment.."

Ambrose and Arabella remained hesitant, keeping their wands out and ready, unsure of this stranger's intentions. "How so?" Ambrose inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"The Orb. I can help you unlock its power,"

Their faces stiffened at the mention of the relic. Cautious not to reveal too much information.

"What do you mean?" Arabella asked carefully, her voice measured.

"Oh, no need to be skeptical now. We both can help each other," Morgana said with a knowing smile. "You see, I come from the Realm, the original place where that artifact came from."

"The Realm?" They both echoed, taken aback by the revelation.

"Oh, you humans," she scoffed, shaking her head. "Your arrogance certainly becomes you, as well as your incompetence of the world."

Ambrose and Arabella exchanged glances, still uncertain about this mysterious sorceress who seemed to know more about the Orb than they did. Her wickedness and her claim of hailing from the very same place as the relic intrigued and unnerved them simultaneously.

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now