Chapter 8

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Third Person

As the newly couples ran after Harumi, Lloyd couldn't help but think that he had fallen for her but only to get betrayed like that, he thought Harumi was so sweet and kind but a bit cold sometimes. 

He should have known she was only using him to get to the crystals. 

But now wasn't the time to look back at his mistakes, he needed to stop Harumi, even if she was more powerful than him. 

His friends would be there by his side to help him. 

He ran to where Harumi was mainly attacking the camp, she looked so consumed by the power of the crystals that he felt like there wasn't any more of Harumi left in her. 

Only pain and revenge. 

"Lloyd, what're you doing?" He looked back to see his friends behind him. 

All with worried looks on their faces. 

"I'm going to confront Harumi and hopefully get her back." He said. 

"Lloyd, do you see Harumi anywhere in that creature, she's gone." Nya says. 

"No, that is Harumi, I know she's still there, I just need to try." I say. 

"I agree with my sis on this one, Harumi was only using you to get to the crystals." Kai says. 

"I know Harumi and I know she did have some love for me in her heart." I say. 

"Then as your friends, we'll help you confront her, together." Zane says. 

"Alright, let's do this." We walked over to what used to be Harumi and now a monster. 

"Harumi!" Lloyd called out. 

She looked back at him with a sly smile, "Well, well, if it isn't the gullible green bean and his friends, what're you going to do, roast me like a marshmallow?" Harumi cackled. 

The four boys who knew how to somewhat control their new powers stepped up beside Lloyd, including Nya. 

"No, but how 'bout you get a taste of ice!" Zane exclaimed as he shot a burst of ice at Harumi. 

Jay stepped up next, "And a taste of lightning!" He shot a burst of lightning at Harumi. 

Cole stepped up, "And a taste of earth!" He shot boulders at her. 

Kai stepped up next, "And a taste of fire!" He shot a burst of flames at Harumi. 

Nya stepped up after her brother, "And a taste of water!" She blasted water at Harumi. 

Lloyd then suddenly stepped up, "And a final taste of energy!" He shot a green energy blast at Harumi. 

That's when something weird started to happen, the beams of the individual powers shot at the crystal necklace around Harumi's neck started to fidget around Harumi's neck. 

They then were released and floated towards one of the six teenagers who had shot a beam of some sorts, the red crystal floated towards Kai, the ocean blue one floated towards Nya, the electric blue one floated towards Jay, the brown one floated towards Cole, the white one floated towards Zane, and the green crystal floated over to Lloyd as the colours of the crystals corresponded with their clothing attire and eye colour. 

That's when a big burst of energy came from the crystals. 

Jay's body was lifted off the ground and started floating in the air. 

Sparks of lightning spun around Jay's body and his eyes were glowing an electric blue. 

He wasn't the only one floating though. 

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