Green Sludge - Chapter 42

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(tw. Blood)

Swiftly, I organized all the cleaning products I had collected. To be honest, I didn't know what like, half of them were. I don't think that matters all that much though. As long as I could help Camila. I began in the kitchen, where clots of the mysterious goop clogged the sink. Putting on some rubber gloves, I began to remove the sludge. But something was telling me not too, like a whisper in my ear. A whisper I recognized. No, the collector killed him. He can't whisper in my ear, or manipulate me anymore.

I continued to scrub at the goo, but it felt almost impossible to get rid off. Emphasis on almost. I knew I could do it. Scurring across the kitchen, my leg suddenly slipped, causing me to fall, head first, into the counter. It felt like something was off with me. Like I was less, awake. Quickly, I impacted against the edge of the counter. But instead of the searing pain I expected, it felt as if everything had been calmed down. Like a large bandage wrapped around my head, just with a bit more of a sludgy texture. For some strange reason, it tickled my brain. For a second, I was unsure why. Until I realized. That green goo, it was inside off me. The blood from my injury began to continue to pour out, leaving me in a such a state, I once again passed out.

Camila's POV

"Hunter?! Everything alright?"
I heard just a loud, crashing sound. If I'm honest, It was quite concerning. Especially from what I've seen with this kid so far.
No response. I began to panic. I was just being paranoid. He'd be fine. He is fine!

The paranoia just got worse. Why wasn't he responding? Maybe he just couldn't hear me. I began to yell louder.
"Hunter, are you okay up there!?"
Still silence. A rush of fear flowed through me as I practically fell down the stairs to check on him.
"Huuuu- mierda...!"
(Huuuu- shit...!)
Suddenly, I froze. How on earth did this boy keep hurting himself? It's like he's the main character in an angst fanfic or something.. Seconds after I had finally realized the issue, I began to shake.
What do I do...?

Blood covered the floor like a large blanket. My eyes scanned the room for something I could use. Cleaning products, tissue, that weird goo. A tea towel? That could work, right? In a fearful state, I grabbed at the cloth, pressuring it against the large head wound. Praying this could work.

Hunters POV (Unconscious)

That voice from before returned. The voice I thought I was rid off. But I guess he was always going to find his way back, wasn't he?
"Hunter. Don't you dare ignore me."
He doesn't deserve an apology. He doesn't-
"I'm s-sorry, Em-emperor.."
What the hells wrong with you Hunter!? It's felt like my entire mind was arguing. Half of it was trying to remind me of what my Uncle did, the other half justifying his actions. Adding to that, the root of the problem, Belos himself, sat in my consciousness as well.

I needed to wake up. I needed to. What if Camila found me and got mad and-
"She's going to hate you, Hunter. I can help you, I just want to help you"
I wanted to cover my ears, I didn't want to hear it anymore. I'd rather get stabbed. I didn't want him help. Instantly, my body started to panic. This wasn't right, he didn't want to help. He never did. Constantly pressuring my body, I finally awoke.

Hunters POV (conscious)

"Hhhuhter, 'ou're oooy! -sssh..."
Unluckily, my head was still ringing, so I was struggling to hear Camila probably
Feebly lifting my hand to my head, I felt a small cloth covering my injury. I just hoped I hadn't stained it.

My eyes glanced around, but it was just me and Camila, so I assume I wasn't out for too long. Since the others aren't back yet. Cautiously, I attempted to push myself up.
"No you don't! You need to rest if that's going to heal."
Ms Noceda began, pressuring me back down. She was probably right, when I pushed myself in the coven, wounds from the previous day would often get worse.
*your f*cking worthless hunter. so weak, you can't even help the only person who would ever look after you.*

That voice, so it wasn't just some dream or something. It's was real, he was real. And, he was probably right. Nobody else is ever going to care for me, look after me. Not unless I help them, right? Camila glanced down towards me.
"Do you need anything? Maybe some tea or something?”
"No thank you, I think I'm just going to lay down..."

As quickly as I could in my current state, I rushed to the basement to lay with my thoughts. Or, his thoughts... As soon as I entered the room, he returned.
*she's just going to hate you more, Hunter.*
Shut up. Shut up!! He'd barely said anything and already wanted to start screaming.
"L-leave me alone."
Suddenly, I felt the goo hit against my head, forcing some through my wound, onto the floor.
*My curse is getting worse.. I need a body to inhabit, or I'll die.*

I couldn't just let my uncle die. But it felt as if my body was rotting inside out. For some reason, I couldn't bring my self to say no. Instead, I pathetically fell backwards onto the matress, staring towards the ceiling. I'm sure he's not really there. This is just something I need to sleep off. Small tears of fear formed in my eyes before they fell shut. I'll be fine.

I'll be just fine.

Word count: 973

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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