The Conformatorium - Chapter 17

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Tw. Abuse

I pushed my arms up to try remove the blindfold. Instantly, I recognized it. The Conformatorium. I turned my head around to see I was chained to the corner of a cell. And the little amount of light make me guess I was pretty low down. Now I understand what Emperor Belos meant by 'Different'. My eyes scattered around the hallways. Is there any way I could escape? Minutes became hours of seeing people being transported in and out of the prison. The worst part is I was still in uniform. I was an embarrassment to the coven.

After sitting down for what felt like days. Somebody visited me. Belos.
"Good morning, Hunter."
I turned my head slightly up. I was definitely gonna get punished for this, if the Conformatorium wasn't enough.
"No response, huh? Guess you don't want any food?"
I hadn't eaten all week. I didn't realize being a criminal was all this difficult. I had to cut them some slack.
"I'm sorry, Emperor Belos."
"Sorry? That's it? You think being sorry will help? How could you be so pathetic."
His voice grew louder and louder as he continued.
"I wonder why I even kept you around for so long!? You're nothing compared to the old grimwalkers!! Failed mission after failed mission. I was even willing to let you off for that stupid bird! But you had to ruin everything. I'll have to make a new one now."
I didn't want this. I miss the owl house. I was shaking under his yelling. Did this happen to the old golden guards too? And I was unaware.
"Uncle please, you don't have to do that."
It was worth a shot. What's could go wrong that's any worse then this. I felt a large, green spike plunge into my torso. Don't scream, don't scream.
"YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN BEG YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS? I thought I told you to stop calling me Uncle aswell! I have nothing to do with you anymore."
Another spike stabbed into my leg. Muffled screams filled the hallways. Luckily, the nearby cells were mostly empty. The door was quickly opened while Belos walked in to sit next to me.

"I suppose you'd like to know about your bird?"
He spoke with claws digging into my neck. But even the mention of my palismen caused my eyes to light up.
"I'll take that as a yes. I haven't used it, yet. I'm sure you'll be quite happy about that. I'd like to inform you that you'll be the one breaking him."
The excitement that filled my eyes a few seconds ago quickly left. I had to kill Flapjack. I felt his strong hand turn my head to look at him. Still clawing my neck.
"That won't be an issue will it?"
Shaking in fear, I responded. What do you mean No, Hunter! I can't believe I've ruined such a caring palismen's life.
"Perfect. Oh, here's that food. You look like you'll need it."
I flinched as a bag of dry rice hit my head. This is worse then what I ate in the coven, if anything at all. What if I got food poisoning?
"That's this week's meal, make sure not to eat it all in one day."
Emperor Belos walked into the shadows. And I was still sitting on the floor. At least I had my uncooked rice now.

Another week passed and nobody was coming to help me. I don't know who even would, but it kept me positive for a bit. If I wanted to leave, with Flap. It would be on my own. A coven scout comes to my cell everyday to check on me. So I should use that to my advantage. At the end of each week, Belos would come into my cell for a bit. Both times he's come in so far, my body's been bleeding so much I can't move an inch for the next two days. Also I needed to find Flapjack on my way out.

By Monday and Tuesday, all my weekly rations were gone. But it didn't matter. I was getting out. Worst comes to worse, Belos or somebody else kills me? At least I'll be free from this Hell-hole. Today's the day, Hunter. You've got this

Word count:719

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