Hollow mind pt.2 - Chapter 14

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I ran after Luz, making sure she didn't do anything stupid.
"Hunter, look at this one!"
I walked over to her. The painting showed Belos scaring off a wild witch.
"This looks quite villainous! Maybe abit, evil?"
I kind of understand where she's coming from. But that's not what's happening! He was saving us by scaring the wild witch away. The human was interpreting it wrong. I tried to get her attention off that memory.
"Well, look at that one!"
I pointed to a nearby painting. In this, I was being offered my artificial staff by Belos.
"Does this look evil to you?"
Luz turned towards the image of Belos and I.
"Why are you bowing like that? It looks like he's about to chop your head off!"
"Hey! Belos wouldn't do that. And that's how he taught me!"
"Lilith doesn't bow like that."
"Well, Maybe Belos just likes me more!"
"Enough to cut of your head?"
She made an expression with her hands of a head exploding. I guess I did notice others weren't taught to bow like that. But Belos told me it shows him my submission to him. It is similar to somebody who's head is about to be cut off, but it's okay because it shows our trust towards each other! The human was overeacting.

We kept going through the halls, pointing out paintings to prove the other is wrong. If she knew Belos like I did, she would understand he's a good person.
"Hunter, that reminds me! What happened to you on that day with the boat?"
I was dreading this question, yet I still saw it coming.
"I was just a bit tired. The mission I had the previous day was pretty hectic. That's how I got the scars too."
Perfect! I've got this covered!
"But, Hunter. Your mission was at the owl house? And I know damn well you didn't get those nasty cuts from Eda or I! Why are you trying to hide it?"
How could I be so stupid! I was with Luz that day. Hunter, think of something quick!
"On my way back, I-"
"Walked into a tree?"
"Hey! Quit it! That was one time!"
The human laughed it off.
"Let's keep going them, or mabye you could get the Owl lady and her pet dog to help get us out now?"
"Nu-uh. I still haven't found good enough evidence Belos is evil!
If she won't leave without that, we'll just be stuck her forever.

The girl ran through hallways, inspecting every painting. I was getting a bit anxious now. It had been ages and it didn't seem like Luz was intent on leaving until she found "good enough evidence" but I doubt we'd come across that.
"Luz, can you call Eda? I need to get back to the castle."
She wasn't listening, at all. Instead, the human was crouched down, muttering to somebody.
Before I could take a good look, I saw somebody.
My voice echoed, but there he was. Emperor Belos. Hopefully he would acttualy help us out.
"Emperor Belos, You have to help us escape! Then I can capture your enemies and that human, can ruin somebody else's day." I turned my head back to Luz, she looked worried.
"Hunter, watch out!" Suddenly, I felt a strong force push me into a paper-like wall.

As I fell down the broken wall, I felt  wind flow through my hair. Was I going to die. Just close your eyes Hunter, you'll be there soon. We were definitely near the bottom now. A hand and some paper held onto me and a few seconds later, it seemed as if we were falling much slower then we were earlier, like a feather. Once we did reach the ground, I glanced at my surroundings.
"Where are we?"

Authors note: Sorry! I feel like recent chaptets have been a bit shorter! I'll try work on increasing them!

Word count:640

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