Nothings really New - Chapter 25

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Tw. Abuse, eye touching, detailed, blood

I attempted to push myself up, but was swiftly interrupted by a sharp pain in my chest. The tall figure strolled closer. They felt like a stranger to me. It's not really Belos! Belos was kind to me, he cared about me. Another spike of hatred stabbed into my body. Suddenly, my eyes felt puffy. Don't cry, don't cry. Uncle Belos doesn't want to see what a mess you are. Just keep it in!
"Hunter. Why did you leave me?"

The unfamiliar frame kept stepping closer, speaking to me in a calm yet threatening tone.
"I wanted to look after you. Keep you safe. Why did you mistreat me"
In an attempt to escape, I feebly crawled to the door.
"Really? You're trying to leave?"

While I creeped further away, my mind began to think about my life in the coven. Nothings really new. Is it? Nothings New. My whole life, I've been terrified of punishments. Ever messing up would result in it. And it was always the same. I can only guess it was the same for previous Golden Guards too. Just as I held my hand up, trying to reach the door handle, a voice rung through my ears.
"I'm done with this bullsh*t, Hunter. There's no f*cking point in fixing this. You saw my mind, didn't you."
The moment I turned my head, The Emperor was looming over me.
"As much as I'd like to make this quick, you've made things just too difficult for me."
5 long nails crawled up my face like a spider on a cobweb. Moving from my neck, to my ear, and finally, my eye.
Don't scream, don't scream.
The piercing claw plunged into my right eye, leaving me with an excruciating pain. Eventually, the 'stranger' pushed me aside, releasing his grasp on my face.

"I did think you'd last longer than the others. I really did. But no, you're just as pathetic as them. I have to find a replacement now. What an inconvenience."
An, inconvenience? Seriously! I was on the floor, clinging onto any hope I had left. And his worry was finding a replacement? Once I let myself out of my thoughts, I noticed half of my vision was, blurry. And the other half, just wasn't there. Where I could still, barely, see, I noticed a pile of blood dripping from my eye. It felt like I couldn't breath. What happened!?
"Tired already Hunter? We've barely begun."
A dark green sludge picked me up by the torso as it began to throw me against the wall. Leaving cracks and stains.

1 hr + 30mins later

I wasn't really sure how I was still conscious by this point. But I couldn't really see, my body felt numb, and the parts that didn't hurt like hell. Not to mention, about half way through, I'd started coughing up blood. And the less I reacted, the worse it got.
"Still holding on? I sure did train you well, Hunter."
I could hear a trail of frustration in his voice. It was like a cat playing with a mouse. It's fun until the mouse stops moving. Because after that, the cat's playing on its own. Just before Belos was about to give me what I can only expect to be 'the final hit', a loud knock hit the doors seperating safety and I. The green figure transformed back into Belos before darting towards me.
"If you make a single f*cking noise. Just know, I will only make this worse for you. And those 'friends' you met."
I gently nodded in agreement as he responded.
"Who is this?"
"Coven scout 143"
"Come in."
A slightly shorter coven scout opened the door.
"Emperor, many other scouts have complained of having shorter missions today."
I felt myself trembling. This was my only chance to escape. Now or never, Now or never Hunter.
"Hmm, oh really?"
Emperor Belos picked a small sheet of paper out of his pocket. It read, Galderstones, Palistrome wood, Stonesleeper lungs, Selkidomous scales and Bones of ORTTE.
"Send parties to find and return the middle three items. I'll need them for a future, project."
I took a vital gasp of air, readying my legs to run. Now or never Hunter, Now or never!

Carelessly, I threw myself past the scout.
You have to keep running, just focus on running. If adrenaline didn't exist, I'd be far from dead by now. Unlike my last escape from Belos, he didn't seem to eager to just let me run off.
"New plan, Scout 143. The whole coven will work on capturing that stupid Golden Guard."
"Consider it done, Emperor!"

Every second I was running, it seemed like the scouts just kept multiplying or something. I was struggling to outrun them, and their magic. Vines, goo and other forms of spells pulled against my messy cape, slowing me down. As I rushed through the halls, an open window caught my eye. I had no idea what was down there, or how much of a fall it was. But a way out was a way out, and maybe my only way out. If I didn't jump, I'd die anyway. I swiftly turned slightly to the side, climbing over the window sill. I stared at the ground below. In the state I was in, the chances I'll actually survive the fall are pretty low.

I sat down for what could be my last moments. Closing my eyes, I heard yells and heavy footsteps. With the last of my strength, I pushed myself off the sill. Letting the wind brush through my hair. Luz wasn't here to save me anymore. I was on my own, for the last time. Memories of my life before came flashing back like a nostalgic movie. Reminding me of my life in the coven, with the Hexside students. My successful missions, and the failures. I took one, final, deep breath.
"I'm coming for you, Flap."

Word count:1000

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