I'm sorry - Chapter 30

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"I-I'm so sorry Willow."
Her face looked shocked, had I messed up again.
"Nonono, I'm sorry Hunter."
"Huh, w-why?"
She looked down at the floor, disappointed in herself.
"Because of how I acted, I made you believe you did something wrong when you didn't. You wouldn't of gotten hurt if I just told you what was wrong.."
"That's not true at all! I got hurt because I was being stupid. I should of-"
Two arms pulled me closer, hugging tightly. Willow whispered in my ear,
"It's not your fault, you don't have to apologize."
She continued holding onto me. Resting my head on her shoulder, a tear rolled down my cheek.

The silence was comforting, and so was Willow. Once I got hold of myself again, I asked,
"What was wrong?"
I got no answer for a few seconds, but then she responded.
"I'll tell you if you tell me what happened when Gus and I found you."
Once again, the forest was silent. How could I tell her? What if she thought bad of me? I knew I should, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Once she realized I wasn't going to tell her any time soon, she helped me up to my feet.
"Should we go meet up with the others?"

We strolled through the woods together, hands intertwined. Once we had arrived at the meeting spot, the two of us sat on a nearby log together. "How do we explain this to the others?"
"Explain what?"
"The fact we didn't get any information.. Are they gonna be mad?"
"I'm sure it will be fine!"

It wasn't long before the conversation started flowing again. It seemed so easy to talk to Willow. Minutes passed and the others finally arrived. They all looked slightly disappointed, but still quite upbeat.
"Sooo, did you learn any new information??"
Gus asked, hopefully.
"No, not really no.."
"Darn it, neither did we.
Even if we didn't make any progress today, I enjoyed most of it. Together, we began strolling back towards Amity's house.

*knock knock*
The door once again swung open, but this time, we were welcomed by another familiar face.
"Amity! I'm so glad my awesome girlfriends okay!"
The human girl ran towards Amity, hugging her. I had forgotten Luz was staying at the Blight home.
"Did you make any progress with Eda and King?"
"Uh-huh! We've got a plan!"
Amity slowly walking into her house with Luz. Eventually, she turned around.
"You guys can stay for a bit, based on the clouds, it will probably rain soon."
Matt, Gus, Willow and I rushed inside, thanking Amity.

Less then a minute passed and everybody was already sitting in the living room, chatting. It was difficult to hear everybody but I didn't really mind. I just sat silently, watching people talk to one another. Willow and Amity were gossiping, and I don't even know what Gus and Matt were saying. I continued to watch everybody till I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hum- Luz?"
"Can I talk to you, in like the kitchen or something?"
I stood up before helping the human you as well. The two of us walked to the kitchen.
"So, what did you want to talk about?"
I asked, curious on what could be going on.
"Hunter, did you know you had a tracker in you?"

Luz's POV

I gently sat down near Hunter while everybody else was talking. There was so many things I wanted to ask him about. What happened to his eye, the things Belos told me and so much more. When I felt the timing was right, I tapped his shoulder.
"Hum- Luz?"
"Can I talk to you, in like the kitchen or something?"
I could tell his face was confused. But I really needed to ask him. Once we had arrived at the kitchen, I sat down to ask my first question.
"Hunter, did you know you had a tracker in you?"
Based on his reaction, I guessed he didn't know.
"You know how the coven is always finding you?"
"Well, Belos mentioned something to me. About a tracker in your neck"
I could already feel this was a bad idea, his eyes were wide and his body was shaking. But he needed to know.

Once he had finally taken it in, Hunter ran to the door, shaking the doorknob.
"Hunter, wait!!"
The panicked boy was seemingly muttering things under his breath, breathing heavily.
"We can try get it out, it's okay."
"Luz, I'm not putting you or anybody else in danger again."
His voice was sincere. Hunter wasn't worried the coven would find him, he was worried they'd find us. I held tightly onto his arm.
"No! I'm not letting you leave again, don't you remember how last time went?"

Hunter's POV

"No! I'm not letting you leave again,  don't you remember how last time went?"
My mind went back to the last time this happened. I ran off, only to be captured. That costed an innocent creature their life. Even thinking about Flapjack made my eyes swell up.
"I'm sorry Luz."
Just as I had finally opened the door, voices behind me spoke.
"Where are you going Hunter?"
Willow asked, sounding anxious.
"If you're going out, could you get us some snacks? I'll lend you some snails!"
The youngest boy stated, running to the living room to get some snails from his pocket.
I couldn't speak. Seeing all of them made me feel horrible, but it was for their own safety.

I pushed the door open, walking outside. The sky was a beautiful midnight blue. I scanned the area for something I could use to get the stupid tracker out. As I began to run through the forest, I realized how silly I was being. Why did I have a need to protect them, they're able to protect themselves. I was being stupid.
I'm sorry Matt.
I'm sorry Amity.
I'm sorry Gus.
I'm sorry Luz.
I'm sorry Willow.
As I wasn't paying attention, I ran straight into a tree. Wait, no, not a tree. A person?

"Little Prince?"

Word count:1034

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