"Alice is there now. Thought she could help with the funeral since she was her mate." Rosalie explains but Edweirdo doesn't answer. "Edward...?" She's been disconnected. Rosalie, wouldn't say she was a little worried...about what he would do. 

She wishes she didn't tell, he in case he goes after Alice thinking she there to take his 'Mate' when she isn't. Back with Bella, Bella walks Charlie to his cruiser. He wears a dark, ill-fitting funeral suit. 

At the car, Bella adjusts his tie, "Thanks for understanding, Bells. They wanted to keep the service small." Charlie says as Bella nods. "Don't worry about me. Are you gonna be okay?" Bella asks as she looks at her father.

"Yeah... but Sue, and those kids -- Leah's only a year older than you. And Seth's, what, fourteen..."Emotion threatens. She hugs him. He holds on a little too tightly for a beat. Then he bucks up, climbs into his car. 

"There'll be a reception after. I might stay late, see if I can help." Bella nods, then waves as he drives away. She turns to head back inside but finds Alice suddenly at her side. She jumps. "You're not going?" 

Alice asks as Bella shakes her head. "I'm probably not the most popular person on the werewolf rez right now." Alice sighs, she looks away sad. "Because you're my girlfriend." Bella shrugs. Alice hears something, then looks down the road Jacob's car appears in the distance....

"Huh. Didn't see them coming. Didn't see him pull you out of the water - maybe my visions are allergic to dogs." Alice mutters, before turning to Bella. "I'll go do some hunting. I'll be back soon, love."

Alice says as Bella nods. Jacob the car drives, as Embry in the passenger seat. Bella approaches, surprised to find Quil in the back. "Quil... you, too?" Quil nods. "Yeah. Me, too." Jacob climbs out. Embry takes the driver's seat. 

"You alone?" He asks as Bella nods. "Yes. Shouldn't you be at the funeral?" She asks. "Had to talk to you first." he talks to the guys. "I'll meet you there. Go on." They nod but before they pull out, Embry waves at Bella making her wave back.

Jacob follows Bella into her living. Jacob enters behind Bella. She turns to him... "Look, Jake, I'm sorry I --" Bella begins but Jacob laughs. "It's fine, this place stinks to hell." Jacob says as Bella looks at him with a look. "Sorry." Jacob says as Bella sighs. "It's fine."

"Do you know many Cullen's are here?" He asks as Bella looks at him. "Just my mate." Bella says as Jacob nods. "Are the rest coming back?" He asks as Bella sighs. "Not that I'm aware of. Anything else?" Bella asks as Jacob shakes his head.

"That's it." Bella sighs. "Better go report to Sam." Jacob turns, starts to leave. He looks back, suddenly, the shrill ring of the phone makes them both jump. Jacob, the closest to it, he reaches for the phone, answers.

"Swan residence." Jacob looks cold now. "He's not here. He's at a funeral..." He trills off but then the phone goes dead. Jacob hangs up the phone. "Filthy bloodsucker." Jacob mutters. "Wait, who was it?" Bella asks. "Edward Cullen." 

Jacob spits out as Bella growls, her eyes turning a golden colour at the mention of his name. She hates that boy so much. Jacob's eyes go to behind her making Bella turn to see what he's looking at.

She frowns when she sees the angry look on her mate as she stands in doorway looking also empty, Bella immediately hurries to her side. "Alice, what's wrong?" Bella asks as Alice grits her teeth. "... Edward." 

She trills of. Bella frowns wondering what he's done know. "What about him? What's he done now." Bella asks as Alice eyes narrow looking a head. "I just saw him in a vision. He... thinks you're dead." 

Alice mutters as she crosses her arms, why did he have to cause problems. He does realizes if he goes to the Volturi, he could get my mate killed. "He's going to Italy... to the Volturi..." Alice mutters.

The door slams open and Bella walks into her room while sighing, of course she's got to go and save the boy that stole her mate anyway from her. She doesn't even want to save him but let him die, it's not like he deserves to live. Not after all he's caused. 

Bella thinks as she shoves her clothes into a bag, she doesn't know how long she's gonna be away for. So best to pack some clothes. Jacob runs after her, protesting as she packs her things. "Why do you have to go?" 

He asks as he runs after her worried, "He won't believe Alice. He has to see that I'm alive." Bella says as she sighs. Jacob sighs as he stops her. "Why are you going after him? After what he's done to you. Like taking your mate away from you." 

Jacob mutters as Bella looks down. "I don't think he deserves to live but my heart hurts when I think of his family. I still deeply care about his family and I'm not gonna let them suffer cause an idiot boy wants to kill himself." Bella says, "What about your dad?"

He asks as Bella sighs, "I'm eighteen, legally free to go. I'll leave a note and plus he'll understand. He also ways does." She says as Jacob sighs but nods just as Alice enters holding something. "Got the airline tickets." Jacob looks at Alice. 

"You Cullen's might hunt animals but those monsters in Italy don't." Jacob explains as he looks at Alice. "I'm well aware what the Volturi are." Alice says as she looks at him. I mean it was her goverment. "Then why are you taking Bella to them like a bottle of wine to a party?" 

Jacob asks, "Right, she's better off here with Victoria stalking her. The one you dogs can't seem to catch?" Alice asks, Jacob growls, Bella quickly stands in between them, stopping him from morphing into his wolf by grabbing Alice by her hand. 

Bella shivers at having contact with her mate again. Oh how much she missed holding her mate, "Let's go." Alice quickly walks to her car as Bella follows her. But Jacob catches Bella's arm, "Please, Bella. Be safe." 

He pleads, Bella sees the worry in his eyes; this could be last time she ever sees him. She hugs him, then pulls away. "Bye, Jacob." He watches, as she races to the car, climbs in...Bella tries to pull on her seat belt but her mate stops her, making her look up at her.

"Maybe Jacob's right." Bella tries to interrupt. "No. You need to realize - the Volturi could easily see me as Edward's accomplice." Bella whimpers, her werecat ears appering on her head as they slowly going down to the side of her head.

As she realizes that this could get Alice or her family killed.  "And you're a werecat, who tastes very good. They could kill us all." Bella's response is to yank her seat belt into its clip. Alice sees that her mate won't change her mind. She shifts into gear and peels out.


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(EDITING) SHE'S MINE! A.CULLEN X B.SWAN.Where stories live. Discover now