Update !!

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Hey guys! so I got my phone taken away so sorry if these story's turn out bad, I'm on my laptop and i will be updating all story's because they really just are so short and i hope you all enjoy! 

Thank you for being on this journey with me and i am really thankful for all of you guys for supporting me through this journey i just want to say thank you and i am very grateful for you guys!

i also want to thank you all for reading this story no matter how cringy it got!! As the days go on i still cannot believe that these story's that came off the top of my head got these many views 21 thousand views is insane!

Am i reading this right now? 21 THOUSAND!? words cannot describe how much i love every single one of you guys! i may not be with you in person but just know I'm always ALWAYS here for you and i always will be. My dm's are always going to be open! I also will be adding trigger warnings to my story's i did not realize that i didn't put a lot of trigger warnings specifically on the chapters that aren't as extreme so i will be adding those in soon!

I have a lot of plans so please stay tuned for those as well! Thank you all so much i am very grateful for you all and i hope you enjoy this journey with me!! Also if you have any questions or requests you can dm me! I highly appreciate all of you guys! have an amazing day, afternoon, or night and remember i love you!

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