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In this you, Sam, colby, Corey, and Jake are exploring when you get hurt your dating Colby in this so yeah btw Colbys pov

Me, Sam, Y/n, Jake, and Corey where out exploring when y/n was dangerously stepping on a cliff "y/n what are you doing come down before you fall?!" I said she almost fell immediately afterwards I ran and she looked shocked and scared "are you okay are there any cuts bruises?!" I said worrying for her and looking at her knees checking for anything I saw big cuts and little cuts on her leg and face

"Oh my god?! SAM GET ME MY MED KIT OUT OF MY BAG!!" I screamed out "okay okay im coming." He said running to us he gave me it then called the others I just wiped her leg with a wipe as she winced in pain and cried out loud "it hurts!" She said trying to not cry putting her sleeve in her mouth bitting it "hold my hand." Jake said holding out his hand she held his hand and cried silently trying not to make me feel bad but I did I felt bad for her crying

I wrapped her leg up with a bandage and carried her bridal style till we got to the car "don't move okay you are gonna be in alot of pain I might have to take you to a hospital." I said she just nodded crying silently still I sat next to her and kissed her forehead placing her gently on my lap so she could sleep the car ride home 30 minute later I shook her and woke her up "wakey wakey we are here." I said walking in our house picking her up taking her to bed when the roommates asked me if she was okay I said "yeah she will be fine her leg is just in pain I might take her to the doctors later if it gets worse." And they nodded I went back into our room

And seen she had fallen asleep I got in bed with her and for the rest of the week i did everything for her in bed well me and the roommates we helped her till one day she cut her knee on the table "Colby." She yelled "I'm coming hold on!" I said "help." She said crying her ass of once again I got up and took her to the hospital rushing Corey to drive her he was flipping out when he saw her leg and took us immediately to the hospital

When we got to the emergency room I yelled "someone help she opened up her cuts!" And a nurse came rushing and putting her on the hospital stretcher taking her to the emergency room me and Corey waited nervously and we called the roommates to come here and they came immediately after hearing about their roommate in the hospital "is she gonna be okay?!" Sam asked running in "I-I don't knoe." I said crying my eyes out Jake put his hand on my shoulder "don't cry baby bubba." He said making me a little happy

"Y/n/l/n anyone here for y/n l/n?" A nurse asked the roommates looked at em and I got up " I am Colby Brock her boyfriend roommate and they are her roommates too." I said pointing to the roommates "when she went into surgery she had lost to much blood and she is gonna be okay she is awake now so you guys can go see her." The nurse said I thanked her and told the roommates we went to her room immediately and when I saw her I kissed her giving her a quick peck "how's your leg warior?" Jake asked she just shrugged "it hurts alot but they fixed it they are gonna give me crutches cause I can't walk for a month now so that's nice-" She said,"don't worry we will help you." I said

She just thanked us and told us she needed rest and we told her okay the next day we took her home and I helped her get into bed with her crutches "y/n if you need anything and I mean anything you can always ask us." Corey said walking out "we love you fight and stay strong." Sam said walking back to his room "bye byee." Jake said going to watch SpongeBob like a little kid for the rest of the month we took care of y/n till she could wall again "feeling better." I asked watching her walk normally "very." She said going to bed "let's cuddle." She said and we cuddled to sleep

colby brock imagines 🫶Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora