Chapter One

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"So," Damon clapped his hands. "What's the plan?"

"Alright, you need to jump in, cut the glass and steal the necklace." Reed replied.

"Sounds simple enough." Damon shrugged.

"You know it's never simple, buddy."

"I know, but I'm hopeful." He looked at Oliver, who was sitting on the floor with his laptop, typing aggressively. "Yo, what's the holdup? This part usually goes by pretty fast."

Oliver looked up, irritated. "Can you not wait? I'm going as fast as I can!" He went back to typing on his laptop. Damon put his hands up in surrender.

"Alright, are we ready?" Oliver looked at Reed, who nodded. "Ok, cameras can only be down for about 5 to 8 minutes, so that's the amount of time you have to get in, get the necklace and get out."

"Why?" Damon asked confused.

"Because I'm taking down all the cameras."

"Why?" He repeated.

"Because if I take down only one camera, they'll suspect a robbery and rush there. If I take down all the cameras then they'll most likely suspect a technical fault. You only have about 5 to 8 minutes before they get the cameras back up to steal the necklace. Got it?"

"Yeah, piece of cake!" He boasted.

"Alright then. Cameras are going down in 3, 2, 1." He looked at Reed. "Drop him in."

Reed presses a button on the harness that was attached to Damon and slowly lowers him in through one of the skylight. "Tell me when to stop."

"Ok stop." He hears Damon say through the earpiece. Damon starts working on the glass and gets the necklace in due time. "Alright, I got it. Pull me out."

Reed pushes a button on the harness and Damon gets pulled up back onto the roof. They work as fast as they can to get everything ready to leave. No words were exchanged between them since they knew they were short on time. Reed puts the necklace in a box he brought with him and shoves everything into his bag. With only a minute left for the cameras to turn back on, they get to the zipline that was already attached and make their way down to the motel at the other end. They get off and get in the car that was waiting for them there.

Reed gets in the driver's seat, Oliver in the passenger seat and Damon in the back. "Dude that was so easy, I got that shit in no time!" Damon exclaimed.

"Yeah that was great!" Oliver replied enthusiastically. He looked at Reed who was driving. "By the way, where are we going this time."

"We are going to the warehouse that's outside of town. Should take us about 20 minutes." Reed replied.

"What are we doing there?" Damon asked confused.

"We are giving the necklace to Alex and waiting for the girls and Jackson to get back from whatever their doing."

"Ok then." After that, it was silent for the rest of the car ride.


"Of course, Arthur. I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I said, smiling. I'm being invited to some ball-party-thing and I'm supposed to go to it even if I don't want to; it's my job.

See, I work as a double agent and an assassin for STEALTH. I have to get inside information about this moron named Arthur Stone. He thinks I work for him and trusts me so much. He also thinks my name is Lorraine Duly, for privacy reasons. I kinda don't want him to research my real name and find out that I really work for his enemy, Zacharias Ledger.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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