Dacian was shaking his head with disbelief "Dani... Don't do this... He is heartless... You cant be with him...."

Before Stanley could respond to him, Dani turned to Dacian and said "Dacian Stop... You believe he has no heart... But he does... He maybe an Allistaire but he is not like the rest of his family.... He doesnt fit in with them and he has used every opportunity to distance himself from them... But he cant run away from his family and who they are... Just like how we cant run away from who we are... We have been hunted down since we remember... All because of our family... Dacian... You cant blame him for who he is..."

Dacian shook his head "I can never trust him... He is an Allistaire..."

Stanley asked Dani hopefully and thoughtfully "Do you mean that Dani.... Do you agree to be my girlfriend...."

Dani turned to Stanley "I meant what I said..."

Stanley smiled "So... From this moment you are officially my girlfriend.."

Before Dani could say anything, Stanley took out a small box from his pocket. "You need to wear this necklace, my family crest..." He then opened the box and helped put on the beautiful diamond necklace around Dani's neck.

Dani sighed as Stanley was putting the necklace around her neck "Stanley.... This is too quick... Too soon....  You ask me if I meant what I said... But are you sure about this relationship with me? Come on... Me being with you will bring you down... If you associate yourself with me there is no way back for you... Do you know how many people want me and my brother dead?"

Stanley took a deep breath "I have planned everything... You only need to convince your brother not to attend that meeting to sign those bad deals who will make your family even more enemies... I can fix this... I can protect you..."

Dacian asked "Ok... Genius.... How can you fix a problem like this that even powerful Irish families dont want to get involved with? How can you protect my sister?"

Stanley turned to Dacian "Suddenly, you are asking the right questions... I am an Allistaire... Your sister is my girlfriend wearing my family crest... If anyone strikes her or you, they have struck me... I will be involved.... So your sister is safe... As for saving your family, I know how extensive your problems are... I spoke with Vnetziano Rosario..."

The mention of that name made Dani and Dacian look at each other with worry. They knew that name. 

Stanley said "He gave me all the information I need... He told me information that I could not get myself.... He has links with both Irish and Italian families... He has links to many of your enemies... But he said he has no reason to want the McReynolds dead... I have the means to save  the MacReynolds..."

Dacian asked "How? For years and years no one has been able to help our family resolve the matter and no Irish family likes to get involved..."

Stanley sighed "Its because no one knew how to fix the problem... With the information from Venetziano I know what needs to be done to get those enemies of your satisfied... I know what they want... I can get them what they want... Before I came here I went to my uncle Wyatt... You know my mother's brother.... I made a deal with him... He can help resolve the matter.... The Allistaires refuse to get involved... Even now that Dani is my girlfriend they will protect Dani but they wont do more.... However my uncle Wyatt Whelan would help..."

Dacian asked "What's in it for him? How can we repay him if he can actually help our crisis.... Does he want assets or money to help us?... He can have it...."

Stanley said "I already offered him what he wants which is my co-operation and loyalty... Thats all that he wants..."

Dani gasped "You co-operated with him? What? But you hate him... Stanley... You cant sacrifice so much for us.... You dont want to be his heir... He has no kids and he wants you to run his organisation.... You want nothing to do with him... Is that part of what you have to do? To be his successor and do as he says?"

Verona Rosario (Book 5: A Mob Boss's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now