13. The Approval Question

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Dani was sitting on a sofa opposite Verona having a cup of tea. Verona was also having a cup of tea as she was seated opposite Dani. Verona   was glad that Dani was much calmer now after Verona had assured her that everything was going to be ok.

Vienna's mind was everywhere. Why did Dani's situation with Stanley seem so complicated. She could not connect the dots but she knew things were not as they seemed. They couldn't be. The horror in Dani's eyes when she had seen Venetziano bothered her. Something was terribly wrong. Firstly Dani came across as a very strong and independent girl. She radiated confidence in everyday. But after seeing Venetziano it seemed like something had brought out the fear and Verona wished she knew so she could help.

Dani took a deep breath as she put her cup of tea down on the table "Verona... I just want to say I am so touched by your kindness and hospitality. You are so nice to me when you dont know anything about me."

Vienna said "I know Stanley and he is friends with my O'Neils cousins... And I can assure you that my cousins dont make mistakes. They dont choose anyone as their friends unless they show honour. And honour is very important in my family..."

Dani said "I know... Your brother definitely has honour..."

Vienna was taken back "Venetziano? Dont get me wrong... But I thought you are scared of him..."

Dani said "I am and will always be scared of your brother and what he is capable of. But I meant it when I said it. He has never done anything to me... But he knows people who do... If he wishes it he can help those who want to hurt me and kill me... And if I give him a good reason he will kill me... I will be hunted down if there is a chance for anyone to catch me..."

Verona took in her words and then said "I dont know exactly what's going on and I dont mind being in the dark. We all have secrets... I may not know much... But I can assure you that you are safe here and you will be listened to... I cant imagine anyone trying to kill you... Why would any want want to hurt you?... You are like me in high school..."

Dani sighed and leaned back in her chair "You know, sometimes I welcome death... I dont mind dying... Like my parents..."

Verona gasped "Your parents are dead... I am so sorry..."

Dani nodded "I only have one brother as my only blood relative... He is your brother's age... His name is Dacian... Dacian McReynolds..."

Verona covered her mouth "She knew that name... She was familiar with that family's story..."

Dani sighed "I am sorry to burden you with truth... But I cant help confessing my secrets to you... You have been so nice to me... Not many people have  ever been this nice and considerate toward me in my life... Even my godparents dont show me love. They do care for me and take care of what I need but they are only doing their duty. The only reason they do it is because Stanley's grandfather has made a deal with them to take care of me... Once I turn eighteen the deal is off... I am fair game to whoever is after me and my brother..."

Verona said softly "I am so sorry Dani... I had no idea... I actually had no idea... So the Allistaires are protecting you?"

Dani said "My uncle who survived until last month made the deal years ago... The only reason my family was handed over to work for Arlinda Macleod was because she guaranteed I would be safe... But she doesnt know who I am... My godparents do top secret work so they are under house arrest but their work contract ends when I turn eighteen coincidently and then they have to go back to work for the Alistaires... And I would no longer be welcome..."

Verona said "I am so sorry Dani... Why do your god parents treat you like you are an object or a piece of gold?"

Dani said "Thats how they see me... They get paid for what they do... Taking care of me is. job to them but they dont love me...  I wish I could die like my parents and put an end being hunted by my family's enemies.... The only reason I love to carry on living is for the sake of my brother... I want to live with Dacian... My only family... He doesn't deserve what's happening to him... Now that my uncle is dead we have no one... We only have each other...."

Verona Rosario (Book 5: A Mob Boss's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now