thirty two; discourteous

Start from the beginning

She grabbed it and ran back to the man, shoving it through the small gap under the window. In return he gave her the key, bidding her a goodbye. She felt more relaxed as she journeyed over to the car, walking to Kai's side. She opened his door gently and shook him awake. "Honey, we're home. Kind of."

Kai squinted up at her and pouted. "Go away," he mumbled into the seat, curling up into a ball. He tried to ignore her constant poking but was too aggravated to go back to sleep. "Oh my God, fine!" He snapped. 

She giggled but helped him get out of the car, throwing his arm around her shoulders. She locked the car and hobbled their way to the motel rooms, somehow managing to balance him against her and unlock the door. She quickly hobbled him, placing him on the bed, she had not expected to have Kai still clinging on to her so as she let him go, he dragged her down with him, giggling lightly. 

"What are you giggling at?" She asked him as she sprawled out on top of him, ducking her head so her lips brushed over his. She placed a light peck on his lips, smiling when he pressed harder against her, his hands grabbing her hips, his fingertips trailing upwards, under her top. 

Lilith shivered, tingles shooting up her spine as she feverishly kissed Kai, groaning into his mouth giving him the chance to delve further into her mouth. She pulled away when she felt Kai tug up her top, letting him pull it off and throw it somewhere in the room. 

Just as she was about to pull his shirt up she was quickly thrown off of him, watching as Kai stumbled into the bathroom, all she heard was coughing, spluttering and heaving. Lilith flopped back onto the bed, trying to calm herself down before standing up, looking for her top. 

"Oh yeah, don't mind me, just spewing up blood here," said Kai who was leaning his face against the white toilet seat. He watched as she tugged on her top, smiling dozily as she walked over to him, almost sighing in relief when her cool hand pressed against his clammy forehead. "That's good," he told her as she raked her hands through his hair. "Real good."

Lilith smiled sadly, sitting on the floor next to Kai. She beckoned him to lean his head on her shoulder, wrapping an arm around his waist comfortingly, her hand still in his hair. It felt weird to be comforting him like this, she thought. He seemed so vulnerable.  

"Sorry you have to see me like this," he mumbled into her neck, throwing an arm around her waist as he snuggled up closer to her. "I'm usually a big, bad, mega-powerful warlock, I mean I still am, at least I manage to make puking look sexy too. Hell, you made out with me even when I'm pale and looking like dea-"

"Shh Kai," Lilith cut him off, trying not to laugh at his constant rambling. She felt him relax against her and sighed in relief, glad to know he had finished puking up his own blood. 

She was going to give it tonight, and if he wasn't feeling better (by the looks of it, that was doubtful) they would have to return to Mystic Falls, more importantly. Jo.


"I don't wanna," Kai whined as Lilith buckled him into the car, huffing when she ignored him. She had taken the role of babysitting since last night. The last he remembered was falling asleep against her in the bathroom.

Lilith had to drag him into the bedroom, undress him and tuck him in, making sure to put a bucket by the side of his bed and in the morning, she had to help him get dressed, he kept coming in and out of consciousness. 

"I don't care, I think this has something to do with you merging with Luke," she told him, closing the door before getting into the drivers side. "I'm so glad I learned how to drive," she sighed, putting the car into drive. 

"What do you mean merging with Luke?" Kai asked, staring at the people they drove past before glancing at Lilith. 

"I mean, you were meant to merge with Jo, but you didn't, that means you went against the rules, maybe this is something close to a punishment," she replied. She glanced at him. "I think you're dying."

Kai gulped, turning to look out of the front window. "You really think so?" He checked. 

"I-I only think this, maybe if you merged with Jo, or have her willingly give you her magic, then.." She didn't need to say the rest, from the expression on Kai's face, she knew he had received the message.

"I had a dream about a big purple and blue cat last night," Kai said, changing the morbid subject to a  fascinating topic, at least it seemed that way to Lilith. 

"Like the one from Alice in Wonderland?" She laughed.

"Yeah, told me to protect you," he said, winking over at her, causing her to blush. "Nah, it talked a load of shit, it's all becoming blurry now."


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