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845 49 4

[ 7 Years Ago ]

"None of them show any promise," Esdeath said in a bored voice. "Are you sure these kids are even talented, Principal?"

"O-of course, Miss Esdeath!" the Principal scrambled to come up with fruitful words. "They're all receiving the best combat training in the Empire, directly from ex-Generals and retired Army Commanders!"

"If this is the state of the future of our country, we're in trouble....." Esdeath muttered under her breath. "Here I thought I could pick out a few strong ones, but they all seem to be utterly hopeless. No better than the average soldier in the army."

The Ice Queen walked through the files of students ahead of her, surveying each one intently, and some with a scorn. Her crystal blue eyes gleamed in the sunlight, and her beautiful, voluptuous proportions were amply highlighted.

Her eyes wandered through all the students, not stopping for more than a second on each. She finally reached the last file in the entire section, and the Principal followed her like a dog.

"M-Miss Esdeath, I don't think you'll find anyone of your choice there," he said. "They've all been arranged in decreasing orders of their performances during combat training, you see? The ones in the last file are utterly useless. Bottom of the class."


Esdeath promptly ignored the paunchy old man, and stared at each and every student in the Academy with narrow, cold eyes.

Her eyes fell onto a certain student who seemed to be fidgeting slightly in his position. Every other student stood in rapt attention, but this one student seemed to be a little restless. His eyes darted around everywhere, flickering about like a moth to a flame. He licked his lips nervously too, once in a while.

"You there."

Esdeath pointed at that student in the crowd. That student was you.

You immediately stiffened up. Oh, why the hell did she have to pick you out of all the others in the throng?

Esdeath walked over to your position, and she towered over your small stature. You shivered.

"What's your name?"

"(F/N), m-ma'am."

"Why aren't you standing in attention? Is this the etiquette you follow when facing a superior officer?"

You looked up at the blue-haired General in fear. "N-no, ma'am. I'm s-sorry....."

Esdeath stared at your pathetic excuse of an existence for a few seconds. "Say (F/N)..... do you think you're strong?"

You widened your eyes. "N-not enough, ma'am."

"Call me General Esdeath. Is that understood?"

"Y-yes, General Esdeath."

"Good. Now, answer me this question — do you think you're strong?"

"Not enough, General Esdeath," you repeated.

"Not enough....." Esdeath echoed your words slowly. "If that is true..... do you think you can beat me in a fair fight?"

Your nervousness and palpitation was certainly visible to the cobalt-haired beauty now. "N-no, not at all! There's no way I can defeat you!"

"Then you are weak," Esdeath said as she bent down to your height. She looked straight into your eyes, and you felt your mind almost go blank with fear.

"You are weak, and you will be eliminated," she said to you, and her right hand slowly gripped your neck. You resisted a bit, but the force that she was exerting was almost superhuman. Her hands were cold as ice, and you could feel your neck contract under the pressure.

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