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Back at the Night Raid headquarters, Leone and Tatsumi entered the conference room, where they were greeted by the already awaiting team.

"Leone, Tatsumi. Did you find him?"

Tatsumi affirmed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, we did. He was perched atop the mansion in the red-light district. You know, the one with the warm, inviting lights. After eliminating all the guards surrounding it, he made his way into the mansion."

Najenda pondered their discovery. "It appears that he possesses a considerable level of skill. But what else have you learned about him? Anything concerning his Teigu?"

Leone's unease was clearly visible. "That's where the uncertainty lies. We can confirm he wields a Teigu, but the events that occurred..... that's what I'm not sure about."

"Don't keep us in suspense, Leone. Spill the beans!" Mine urged.

"Well, it's difficult to put into words, but he kinda..... drifted into slumber mid-battle?"

She paused, feeling awkward about recounting the unusual scene. "He reclined on the rooftop, laid down upon the tiles, and then produced something shiny from his pocket. Before we knew it, he was fast asleep."

"Wait, are you serious? He dozed off in the midst of a fight?" Lubbock interjected with an incredulous tone.

Leone continued in a hushed tone, as if speaking any louder might disturb the enigmatic memory. "And then, in the span of about a minute, all the guards... simply collapsed, lifeless. I can't begin to fathom what took place. He remained asleep on that rooftop throughout."

The members of Night Raid processed this bewildering revelation, their expressions ranging from disbelief to sheer bewilderment. Bulat, Sheele, Mine, Lubbock, and Akame-none among them had any inkling about the nature of the Teigu they were grappling with.

Yet, one figure in the room exhibited a reaction that spoke volumes. Her eyes widened significantly, her gaze descending to the floor, her face an image of absolute astonishment. The rest of the team couldn't help but notice this abrupt transformation in demeanor.

"Uh, Miss Najenda? Is everything all right?"

Najenda, her contemplative silence punctuated by the lighting of another cigarette, let out a deep sigh. Worry etched into the lines of her face, as if she bore knowledge that eluded the rest of the group.

"Leone? Tatsumi?" Najenda finally spoke up.

"Yes, boss?"

Najenda's query was straight to the point. "Did the person you encountered on the rooftop..... did he possess some form of a pocketwatch?"

Leone and Tatsumi took a moment to recall the critical details. "We couldn't make out the object clearly," Tatsumi admitted after a moment's reflection. "It did resemble a pocketwatch, though. Isn't that right, nee-san?"

"Yes, that's the gist of it. Unfortunately, neither of us could get a clear view of the item."

Najenda absorbed this information slowly. "I see..."

Bulat, forthright as always, implored, "Boss, is there something you know that you're not sharing? Keeping us in the dark isn't wise."

Najenda responded shortly. "If that's the case... well, based on Leone's account, you mentioned that he drifted into slumber on the rooftop, correct? After he retrieved something shiny from his pocket?"

Tatsumi confirmed the details once more, "Yes, that's what happened. And then, within a minute, everyone was dead."

Najenda leaned back, her gaze distant as she stated, "This power... it's not an ordinary Teigu ability. This is the ability of the Temporal Dream Eater."

A palpable silence hung in the room as the implications of Najenda's words settled upon Night Raid.

"Temporal... what?"

"The Temporal Dream Eater. It's renowned as one of the most formidable Teigu ever forged."

Blank stares met her declaration.

"One of the strongest Teigu ever created?!" Lubbock echoed, his incredulity evident. Najenda nodded, her expression marked by seriousness.

"Yes. As the name suggests, it harbors the power to manipulate anyone's dreams according to the user's desires."

Tatsumi's eyes widened with awe. "Manipulate dreams? Does that mean he can give people nightmares?"

"That would only be one of its abilities. The Dream Eater possesses immense capabilities, but they don't align with conventional dream manipulation. According to legend, it can generate localized inconsistencies on the Dream Realm," Najenda elucidated.

The room remained in a state of bewilderment. Sheele's confusion was apparent, and she had a question mark floating over her head. "This is getting harder to grasp..."

Najenda attempted to simplify her explanation. "Let me offer an example. With the Temporal Dream Eater, the user can manipulate and control one's dreams and thoughts. This leads to jumbled memories, blurring the boundaries between past, present, and future."

Lubbock, still grappling with the concept, sought clarification. "So, dreams in the sense that....."

"He could potentially enter any of our minds and trap us in our worst fears and nightmares. And if he does it for a long enough time, it could completely destroy our minds."

The room fell into stunned silence, each member struggling to comprehend the gravity of this revelation.

"Wait! How was this Teigu hidden from us? And how did a mere assassin come into possession of such a strong Teigu!?" Mine's voice rose in frustration, her finger pointed repeatedly at the poster's image.

Najenda elucidated. "It was a legend, mostly. During my days as a General, I heard whispers of its existence-a Teigu so potent that the Emperor sealed it away a thousand years ago, deeming it too perilous to be wielded. I recall Esdeath's fervent desire to acquire it."

The mere mention of Esdeath's name sent ripples of dread through the room.


Najenda's gaze turned inward, her expression filled with foreboding. "Attempting to obtain such a Teigu was unwise, to say the least. If someone of Esdeath's caliber managed to obtain it, she would become virtually invincible."

"But how did this assassin come to possess it?" Lubbock inquired, the uncertainty hanging heavy in the room.

Najenda admitted, "That is a question that currently lacks an answer. However, now that we are aware of its existence, it becomes imperative that we apprehend this individual."

Najenda let out a weary sigh, her fingers coming together as if contemplating their next move.

The room remained on edge, awaiting their leader's directive.

"Night Raid, consider this your mission: capture this man, or more specifically, capture his Teigu," Najenda commanded. "We must act swiftly, for the Empire may already be in pursuit. Remember, Esdeath herself once coveted this Teigu."

The room affirmed their commitment, their collective resolve unwavering. Najenda's subtle smirk hinted at a hidden determination.

However, deep beneath her rock-hard exterior, Najenda felt a strong feeling of deja vu in her chest. A kind of feeling which told her that the person who they were chasing after, was not all that he seems.

Obtaining the Temporal Dream Eater, which has been lost for centuries..... there's only one person who Najenda knew was capable of this feat.

'When it comes to thievery and espionage, there is no one better than him.....'

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