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The rest of Night Raid swooped into the room through the window once Akame had given a clear signal from her side.

"So that's that," Leone said, as she stared at your unconscious body. "Woah, his hair is different now!"

"I guess he was wearing a wig," Lubbock surmised. "To protect his identity."

"It's kind of strange...." Bulat thought out loud. "He didn't even try to attack. He was completely on the defensive."

"I think that cements our point," Akame said. "He couldn't do anything because he can't use his Teigu more than once a day. He didn't know how to use Pumpkin either. He was cornered."

"Alright then!" Bulat easily picked up your limp body under his arm. "Let's take him back to base."

"Let's go."

[ ----- ----- ----- ]

The faint sound of clanking metal stirred you up a bit, but you couldn't open your eyes. Your body did not respond to you the way it should have.

Your hands and legs felt heavy. You fought the primal desire to give in to the headache, but you managed to lift your eyes open just enough so you could see.

You were in some sort of.... cellar? Jail? You didn't exactly know. It was dirty, but it was well lit at the same time.

You blinked a few times, and widened your eyes.

Your hands and legs were chained to a chair. You felt your legs being weighed down by some sort of metallic ball, which was in turn chained to the wall.

"W-what the hell....?!"

You thrashed about on the chair, and the cling-clang of metal against metal made an unpleasant, screeching sound. You felt a sharp pain in your neck, and you leaned back with a sigh.

"It still hurts where she whacked me....."

You couldn't do anything. Your movement was completely restricted, and you did not have you Pocketwatch with you. They had removed your jacket, and you were nude from the waist up. Only your pants remained on.

"Those sneaky assholes....."

You continued to bang yourself against the metal, hoping to attract someone's attention towards your dire state. You didn't even know where the hell you were. But you assumed that given how the situation had played out, you were most likely inside Night Raid's base, in their cellar dungeon or something.

The sound of footsteps resonated slowly and softly in the corridor, and the sound grew louder as it approached. You looked up from your prison, and your eyes fell upon a white-haired woman with a green, metallic arm. Her hair was cut short, and she stood a few feet away from you with a cigarette between her lips.

Ex-General Najenda, former owner of the Imperial Arms Pumpkin. The reason you stole Pumpkin from that pink-haired girl was because you knew that it was a fine Imperial Arms, and definitely one of the best.

No way you wouldn't be attracted to that.

"It's sure been a while, (F/N)."

"General Najenda....."

"Oh? You remember me?"

"Of course I do. How could I forget the person who saved my life all those years ago?"

"That's true....." Najenda replied in a daze. "But you realize the gravity of what you've done this time, don't you?"

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about."

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