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The morning for Sonic honestly was a blur. Less than ten minutes after waking, he and Shadow were wisked away from one another into separate vanity rooms. Luckily for the blue blur, Manic was with him along with Silver - he had almost forgotten it was his wedding honestly. He had had a late night with his mother stressing about the decor in the banquet hall and the main ballroom and so went to bed much later than he should have.

The servants were fussing over how Sonic looked - specifically how messy his unbrushed quills were - and how late he had woken up. By the time he was forced into the room, Silver and Manic were fully clothed in their selected attire: for Manic, a simple dark red vest with a black undershirt and trousers, and for Silver, a simple grey suit with golden accents and a white shirt and tie beneath.

"You seem excited." Manic joshed, laughing at his joke. "Almost like I haven't slept enough in awhile, huh?" Sonic raised a brow. He was too tired for jokes and yearned for the sweet embrace of his bed. The quick shower he got would have to suffice in waking him up however. Silver handed Sonic a small platter. It was filled with snacks, however it was very clearly supposed to be his breakfast.

Honestly, Sonic found himself suprisingly calm before the wedding. He felt calm in all honesty. He kept calm when he strode up to the alter, him and Manic talking to one another on the sly. He only found himself faltering when Shadow stepped onto the alter.

He was wearing a similiar suit to him; except it was black in colour with red accents. He wore a black red vest with a red button down blouse beneath with grey trousers and his usual boots - he had probably fought the servants in order to wear them. He was also wearing a small amount of eye Shadow?


It became clear to the couple they would never get a break by the time the ball began. Aleena looked through the room, saddened as she surveyed it all. Sonic and Shadow had found themselves stood with her. "This is where I met your father." She smiled solemnly. Sonic looked around. It all made sense now, she was so specific about the decorations for a reason; she wanted them to look exactly as they did when she was young. She took a sip of her wine, ensuring she didn't spill it on her sea-foam green dress.

At that moment, the doors opened and unveiled Shadow's crew. Sonic practically jumped in excitement, they had found the invitations he had hidden. He looked to Shadow, who looked back in some form of confusion yet understood Sonic wanted to go over.

They blended in with everyone else perfectly; but Sonic suspected that was that of Rouge's stylistic knack for higher class clothing. Rouge herself wore a magenta gown with black accents. She wore a mesh black shaul over her shoulders. Amy wore something quite similiar, except it was red in colour and white roses decorated the collar. Tails wore a simple jacket and shorts, light blue in colour.

Sonic sped over, giving each of them a hug. Rouge smirked at Shadow "Didn't see you as the type of guy to marry and settle." She remarked. Shadow merely rolled his eyes. "If you are here, I suspect we are fleeing tonight?" He asked. Amy nodded, slightly lifting her dress to reveal her hammer tucked beneath, giving the back of her dress a bustle illusion. "Just incase." She smirked.

"We also brought you two and everyone else some clothes to change into before we leave. Easier to escape." Tails perked up with a smile. Sonic ruffled his head - unwanted by the twin-tailed fox. Rouge suddenly stiffened, twitching her ear. She turned to the left and glared, clear disguist resting on her features. Sonic followed her glare, finding Mephiles and Silver. Silver, probably feeling peoples' eyes on him, turned tkbthe group. He smiled, quickly racing back to the group and engulfing the three in a group hug.

Amy happily hugged back, as did Tails, however Rouge remained stoic, her face poised and eyes set on Silver. Amy and Tails didn't seem to notice, but Rouge clearly recognised Mephiles. "Why were you with him?" Rouge asked coldly. Silver looked taken aback and seemingly a little scared. He reluctantly stepped away from the group. "You get use to 'its' presence after awhile." Shadow remarked in disguist. "After everything?" The bat growled.

"Oh I ought to go over there an-" Amy pulled up her sleeves as she spoke, being cut off by Silver. "He wants peace." He told them. "He said he's sorry!" Shadow shook his head, glancing over at Mephiles. "He's manipulated plenty before." Scourge made his way over with Manic at his side. Sonic turned to him, the group going silent as they realised Manic was there.

"Been awhile." Scourge smiled. Amy nodded back. Rouge didn't give him any real recognition, merely a glance before she focused on Manic. "A boy toy, hm?" Rouge asked, raising a brow at Scourge. Manic gave the bat a disguisted look. "If he were, I'm sure Sonic or Shadow would've had me by now." Scourge cooly replied. Amy examined the hedgehog. "Looks like Sonic, I suppose." She merely stated.

The rest of the night was suprisingly fun. They had managed to evade Mephiles, introduce Sonic's siblings - Sonia especially got along with Rouge - to the crew. Manic had even made plans to escape with them - Rouge was trying to persuade Sonia to come, although only Sonic and Rouge wanted her to come along.


The purple hedgehog sheepishly looked up at her father. "You seemed close with those men."  He remarked. She nodded. He hummed in response. "They seem nice enough. Their fathers too." She nodded once more "Alumin especially."

Her father sensed something. She could tell he didn't like it at all. Infact, he possibly hated whatever it was that she had said. "My dear, he is merely a Keiser's son - his country is declining." The man smirked "It's Jules you want. I saw you on his lap. He is clearly interested. He will be king of Robotropolis!" Aleena shook her head. She was unsure of what she could say. She was aware he and Reno had something between the two. "He has someone else." She silently concluded.

Her father shook his head. "His father and I have already agreed to your marriage." The purple hedgehog gave the man a shocked look. She didn't want to marry Jules. She didn't want to marry any of her new-found friends - she was still young. Alumin seemed nice, but she wasn't all sure she wanted to marry him.

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