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The young hedgehog awoke to a tap. Emerald orbs scanned the room, ultimately deciding the noise was comming from the window. The hedgehog trudged over, winding the curtains back to reveal a familiar face. Sonic made no hesitation to open his window and allow him in.

"Shadow? Aren't you leaving?" Sonic asked the hedgehog. "Well yes, soon." The hedgehog replied "But I wanna see you before I go." Sonic chuckled, ruby eyes staring him down. "Sorry, just didn't think you were the type to miss anyone." "Well I am." Shadow rolled his eyes "I wish I could go. I would love the ability to explore the world, get messy without someone acting like I'm on my deathbed..." Sonic sighed, turning to the hedgehog. "You will write to me won't you?" He asked

The hedgehog shook his head, saddening his peer. "Why would I write to you, if you can come with me?" He smirked. Sonic shook with excitement. "What?" "Well, me and the others have been talking and we would love for you to join us on our next voyage." Sonic engulfed the taller male in a hug, smashing his lips onto his. It wasn't a comfortable gesture for the ebony hedgehog - it felt a little too forward for his liking - however he accepted it nonetheless.

Sonic pulled back, eyes widening. "Wait... what if we are caught?!" "We won't be." Shadow reassured, throwing some clothes at him. "You'll move better in them." He explained. Sonic nodded and hurried to the bathroom to change.


Sonic sighed, reminiscing the past encounters he and Shadow had had in the very room he laid in. The night Shadow had confessed, The night Shadow had told Sonic he was leaving, and especially the night Shadow had allowed him to come with him and escape this wretched place.

The door suddenly swung open revealing a guard. "The queen has requested your presence." He stated as he grabbed Sonic's wrists.

Sonic was dragged to the throne room once again, the adrenalin making up for his restless night. He saw his mother, sitting on her throne as if she had never left it the night prior. "Maurice." His mother greeted Sonic nodded back, not wanting to talk to her. "If you remember, I did tell you we would find a suitor for you." Sonic shivered at the thought. "I am loyal to someone else." Sonic stated. He saw his mother's hand grip the arm of her throne in frustration.

"That filth shall not ruin my bloodline! We are royal and shall only mingle with such!" Sonic exhaled "Well then, I shall renounce my royal title if I have to." Sonic muttered "No you shall not!" His mother shouted, quickly taking a few deep breaths to calm herself "We have found many suitors for you, you just have to pick one." She stated.

With a click of her fingers, a few paintings were brought in by a servant and lined infront of Sonic, facing up. "Each of these people are available suitors we can gain from. Choose one, I don't care what gender. You're getting the first pick before your siblings." His mother explained.

Sonic looked at the pictures, one of a very young fox - gross, the poor thing doesn't even look 14! He then looked at another, a pink wolf. She seemed very flashy - not Sonic's type. A ebony hedgehog caught his eye, filling him with hope;exhausted Shadow was secretly royalty? It wasn't Shadow, just someone who looked like him - but had toned down cyan streaks. He also saw another hedgehog, an ivory silver and seemed very modest he would be an option if Sonic didn't have Shadow.

There were plenty of other options, none catching his eye. He couldn't abandon nor replace his lover. This felt so sinful. "Make haste Maurice, breakfast begins in an hour and I would like all my children to choose a partner. Sonic scowled. "I pick... the silver hedgehog." He muttered. His mother smiled contemptly. "Good choice Maurice, I shall talk with his father." Sonic nodded.

"I shall take my leave now, I would like to prepare myself for breakfast." Sonic stated before bowing and walking away. He had to talk to Shadow.

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