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Shadow curled up in shame. This wasn't the worst situation he'd been in - this wasn't even about him. He had promised to keep Sonic safe, and had failed. If anything, he would pay with death. He had heard the guards talking about it, The Queen herself was trying to abolish some law against execution. He couldn't exactly escape either. There were 6 guards by his cell alone. He wouldn't even make it five steps through the corridor!

He caught icy blue eyes staring at him, reminiscent of Tails'. "What?" He growled at the guard. She rolled her eyes in response, watching the other guards before leaning in. "Maurice is safe." She whispered "Maurice...?" It took Shadow a moment to remember Sonic's actual name. He made on 'o' shape with his mouth as he realised. "He has chosen a suitor however, his mother forced him." The 'o' soon turned to a scowl.

"That witch!" He cussed underneath his breath as his eyes strayed away from the guard for a moment. "Say...mind if I a write a letter to my crew?" The guard eyed him suspiciously. "How do I know you won't plan an escape?" "You can read it before it is sent." Shadow offered. She nodded in response. "Okay then, allow me to fetch some paper and a quill - I'll put it in the envelope after reading it."


Sonic dragged himself to the dining area. How many memories did he have there? He couldn't even count. He was often expected to sit there in silence and eat if there were any guests over. It was rather annoying in his opinion, many guests would try to strike conversation and Sonic was forced to ignore them upon a glare from his more - he probably seemed overly snobby and rude.

Sonic then found himself engulfed in a hug with a familiar squeak accompanying it - which was not his own for once. "Oh my dear Maurice!" Sonia squeaked "We've missed you so much!" "Sonia Seline Maritme Hedgehog! That is no way for a lady to greet someone!" A voice reprimanded. Sonia quickly withdrew the hug, fixing her gown, and turned to their mother. "Sorry mother... I just haven't seen Maurice in quite a long time..." She apologised, eyes glued to her gown as she fiddled with her gloves.

"No matter the reason it is unacceptable! Do you think a man would want to marry such a beast?!" Sonia growled under her breath. "Mother, I only chose a male as Maurice chose a male and Manic may probably do the same." "Well, atleast one of you is responsible enough to give me an heir." Their mother remarked, eyes laid on Sonic.

When the purple menace was out of sight, the two presumed their greeting. Sonia had latched onto Sonic once again. "I'm so glad you are back! We're lucky I saw you and that terrible man in the town square!" Sonic froze as he looked up at his older sister. "You ratted me out?!" He exclaimed. "My, dont use such language Maurice! That scum has influenced you in a number of ways!"

"I went with him by choice!" Sonic growled "He actually loves me!" Sonia's eyes widened as she looked down at her brother. "My dear Maurice, you know we love you..." Sonic huffed "If that menace of a mother loved us she would allow us to love who we want!" "You know why she cannot allow that! Look what father-"

"Father is not to be talked about." Manic interrupted. "You two know this very well." He then looked to Sonic, a respectful nod in two. Sonic waved back. "Been awhile." "Indeed it has. The castle has been rather dull for the last year. It is almost as if you were planting all of the traps, stealing things aswell as spooking the maids." Sonic shook his head. "You know I wouldn't live another day if I di-"

"How are you? I heard of what that beast did to you." Sonic scowled. He couldn't even finish a sentence in this household. "I'm perfectly fine. That 'beast' showed me more affection than any of you combined." Sonic grumbled. Sonia glanced at Manic. "He must be sick! They do say the sea does strange things to a man..." she suggested. Manic nodded. "I am not sick! People change!" Sonic shouted as he continued his trek to the dining room.

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