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The ivory hedgehog hummed. "Seems like a pretty smart plan." He stated. Sonic then tilted his head, now recognising a difference in his accent. "Why do you sound different?" Silver sighed.

"Well... my mother always believed I should have freedom before my father forces me to settle down with a wife - or husband - in the Manor." Silver began "I wanted to explore the world and my mother was allowing me to. She even offered to pay for a ship and crew. I declined and caught wind of the SS. ARK Crew being in town." He then paused and took a sip of his drink - his mother had used that as an excuse to make sure the two were being appropriate - "I hid my title from them and eventually wormed my way into their crew." He concluded.

"Did your mother know?" Sonic asked. Silver nodded "I sent her a letter with a small gift whenever we went to a new city. She wanted to travel but she was unfortunatley sold off to my father before she had the chance." Sonic nodded, understanding the feeling.

He then took a sip of his own drink "It's funny. You had a choice to go whereas I didn't; I had to sneak away without being recognised. Yet here we are, in a messy situation even Shadow is unable to escape." Silver nodded "I think your plan will work however, your sister is rather smart." "Yea, she got me out of a lot of tough situations growing up. She's like my personal, unpaid lawyer."

Silver chuckled at his comparison "We would definitley need her on the ARK." He joked. Sonic nodded "Especially with Tails steering the ship." "Why does Shadow let him do so anyway?" Silver asked. Sonic sat straight and pursed his lips in pride "He can't say no to me." Silver rolled his eyes and scoffed "Please, he's said no countless times." Sonic huffed "Not when I really beg."

Silver laughed loudly as he almost fell off of his seat on Sonic's windowsill. "Sonic, Shadow will say no to everyone no matter who they are to him or what situation they are in." Sonic shook his head.

"Nope! He actually let me pick where we went for dates." Sonic corrected "He also let me shop for my own clothes when I asked." Silver rolled his eyes "No wonder you looked a mess." Sonic threw his overly frilly sleeves around "Not as bad as this!"

Sonic then stopped, grinning. He knew how to shut Silver up in many ways. He knew current events would work best however. Silver noticed the grin, shuffling away as the atmosphere became even more uneasy the more the silence ensued.

"Say... Sonia's 'fiancè' seemed overly interested in you, didn't he." Silver rolled his eyes and took another sip. "So? I've seen many people look at me like that." Silver nonchalantly shrugged as he tried to combat Sonic's possibly deadly ideas. Sonic smirked even wider now.

"That could be useful." Silver placed his cup down and eyed Sonic wearily. "How so?" "Well... its simple really." Silver shuddered at those words - knowing this wasn't going to be simple. (Mumbo redstone flashbacks anyone?) "Okay, you act interested and talk to him - maybe be a lil' flirty." Sonic winked teasingly at that part as Silver's eyes widened in fear.

"Then, on the day we plan to escape, you seduce him and give him some 'thoughts' to then lead him to the dungeon for privacy. While he is distracted, me and Shadow can push him into the cell and lock it. - Sonia will be making sure Shadow looks similiar to him at this time - and we exit the palace for an outing. We then go back to the hotel and make a break for it with the rest of the crew."

Silver's face soured. "What if you don't react fast enough and I end up as sinful as you?" Sonic raised a brow "Sorry?" "We all heard you countless times on the ship and in the hotel despite not being married." Sonic groaned "We can't get married anyway." Silver nodded "But still, I don't-" "Don't worry Silver, we won't even let him fully kiss you." Sonic smiled "Unless you want him to~" He added with a smirk.

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