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"Mother was right when she called me and father alike." Sonic muttered. Sonia nodded "Quite so, although we have no idea where father went." Sonic laughed "I'd love to meet him and find out how he did it. I've wanted to settle with Shadow for a year."

Sonia gave Sonic a solemn look, shaking her head. "Sonic, father's affair was a scandle. Yours will be too if it is found that you weren't kidnapped. Mother hid it to keep you out of harms way. Look what happened to same-sex couples! Many were murdered by people who hated the king because he himself was disexual."

Sonic tilted his head "Disexual?" He repeated. Sonia nodded "I found an old document. He was only attracted to men and enby people. There's multiple documents listing all of his teen affairs and each and every one involved another male or a masculine enby person. Imagine yours."

Sonic sighed "I really ought to find him. He might be able to give me some tips." Sonia nodded "Or he's dead." Scourge butted in. "Why would you think that?" The magenta hedgehog asked. Scourge shrugged "People don't tend to dissapear." Sonic rolled his eyes "I managed to for five whole years.". Manic sighed, holding the bridge of his nose.

"Father has been gone for over twenty-two years." Sonic nodded, giving him a 'your point?' kind of look. "To police officials that's enough time to presume him dead."  Sonic shook his head, groaning. He then got up and walked to the doorframe. "I better get going." He called "Bye!" Sonia called after her brother, not being heard as her brother had already sped down the winding hallways of the castle.


Shadow nodded his head. "I could have sworn I've heard the name 'Reno'." Shadow muttered. Sonic's perked up. "I believe he was part of the old crew before I took charge. From what records I have, he was orange and came with a dark teal hedgehog. They left the gang when they ported Mönatoro."

Sonic gasped. "So... you have records of my dad?!" He gaped "had." Shadow corrected "They went down with the ship, remember. Its much too late to even imagine they have survived the sink." Sonic sighed, mood darkening once again. "When we get out of here, we are going to Mönatoro." Shadow nodded "I promise I will find a way to get us there." Sonic smiled "If you weren't behind those bars I'd kiss you."

Shadow rolled his eyes "Probably a good thing I'm behind them then, isn't it?" Sonic rolled his eyes "I better get going then." Sonic muttered, aware of the time. "Love ya, bye!" He called before making his way out. Leaving Shadow to wallow in his vague memories of the old ship documents.


January, 16th 1493

Two new crewmates have borded the ship from Robotropolis, Mörigna. One by the name of Reno The Hedgehog and the other by the name of                       both appeared to be rather distressed. I had heard a conversation regarding one of the two's children and his wife.
I do cast my doubts on this sob story, the two seem madly in love with one another and I cannot imagine someone being forced                                 - or cheating for that matter. The two were probably stowaways or rejects anyway, not such a big difference to us; we just have more men equipped for battle now.
The              one is also quite speedy, a huge help on decks. The other is rather fond of little Shadow. My          year old                 on.
We are planning to go to Mö               after we head to Ca              I can only hope the voyage goes well and we suffer no fatalities, the          y have been on our backs lately.

~   Captain                Robotnik
Captain of the SS. ARK


Shadow had little to no memories of any documents regarding the two, the only one he remembered being ripped, smudged and illegible in some places due to the sinkage a few weeks after the report was written. Shadow wished he could remember more from his childhood upon the ship.

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