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Heya!!! If you haven't seen my community post I will only be posting for this book until its done and then I'll be either taking a break, quitting or going back to my original schedule. So don't be suprised if you're bombarded with 10+ chapters XD. I did however skip forward in time because I'm just kinda done with my patience. I really wanna write a sequal though, but let's get back to our fruity pirates :)


It was only a day before the wedding. Sonic's mother was stressed about both the wedding and the celebratory ball - Sonia especially was stressed with the shared birthday ball. Silver, over the weeks, had become saddened. Sonic was well aware Silver was meeting up with Mephiles in private - it was glaringly obvious - but he didn't want to upset him further and tell Shadow. So long as Mephiles wasn't doing anything harmful, Sonic didn't care. He just hoped Shadow wouldn't find out.

Shadow, Manic, Sonia and Sonic sat at the table in the library. Manic was less than interested in the conversation; Sonic caught him tapping a stray piece of wood against the table in a rhythm or just fiddling with whatever he found to be more interesting. He wasn't very involved in the conversation, but would contribute a few thoughts every now and then. Shadow was often talking with Sonia - the two were ironically formal and on the same page quite a lot of the time.

Sonia sighed, leaning back in her chair - ensuring her skirt remained firmly against her legs. "No need to stress, everything tomorrow will go fine." Shadow reassured, toying with a book he was also reading about Mönatoro. Sonic nodded in agreement, merely watching his sister. "It will be hectic!" The magenta hedgehog exclaimed. "Many appose your marriage and could possibly attempt to kill you all!" Shadow nodded, eyes glued to the book. "Nothing new to us." He remarked. Sonic snickered, leaving Sonia baffled.

"People tried to kill you?" She asked, appalled at the thought of her brother being targeted. "We're pirates." Sonic vaugley reminded. Manic took this as his moment to step in. "Pirates are often targeted by other pirates and The Navy. It's rare for crews to form alliances unless their captains are related by blood or the crew have a good past." He recited, as if he had memorised an entire book about pirates. Shadow nodded in confirmation.

Sonic looked at Manic in shock. How did he know so much? Why did he know so much? Manic was never much of a reader - or even a learner - and yet he knew of pirate life? Sonic never really talked about how attacks were common with the ARK's reputation. He had never even talked of the many enemies of the ARK.

Manic noticed the confused stare. "I was worried when you left." He explained. "I didn't know if you were still alive, but it seems Shadow took care of you." He gave Shadow a small nod. Sonic couldn't help but smile. Manic had cared enough to put aside his disinterest to ensure Sonic would be safe at sea. He also was willing to accept Shadow from the very beginning. "I actually think it would be more enjoyable than palace life from what Scourge also told me." Manic mumbled. Sonic just nodded.

Sonia was too busy stressing, tapping her fingers on the desk, as if playing the piano, and twirling the stray piece of wood Manic had a few moments earlier in her hand. "We will be fine. Royals have extreme security, do they not?" Shadow asked the hedgehog, raising a brow. "You two managed to escape, so who knows." Manic reasoned. Sonic shook his head "They've increased security." He stated, indicating to the many guards and servants in the room very clearly eavesdropping.

Manic shot them all a glare, intimidating a few servants who quickly busied themselves with organising books. It was rather funny to Sonic. Some guards did continue to stare, slightly annoying the group. Shadow shot one a small glare, giving Sonic comfort in the fact he wasn't the only one slightly angered at the constant surveillance.

Sonia merely sighed, noticing everyone's agitation. "Let's just conclude this I suppose." She whispered, running her hand through her side swept fringe and pushing it back; the light pink hair falling back over the right side of her face. Sonic gave Sonia a solemn look "Everything will be perfect, I promise." He reassured, standing up and giving Sonia a hug. With that, Sonic beckoned Shadow out of the library and walked away.

"Your sister seems very skittish." Shadow stated. Sonic nodded "Always was. If we ever did anything she knew mother would disprove of she'd worry to the point of making herself sick over it." Sonic explained, remembering how Sonia grew sick upon the triplets stealing a few of their mother's belongings to play with. Shadow nodded in response, allowing silence to consume the two.

The two continued walking for a while. Sonic eventually saw Silver creep from behind a corner, trying to stay hidden. When he saw Sonic looking, he flashed a panicked smile as his golden eyes widened. He waved in fear, Sonic rolling his eyes at his skittishness. Sonic just nodded to Silver, pointing to Mephiles who was closely following behind.

He didn't want to bring Shadow's attention to the situation, giving Silver a quick wink and thumbs up before very quickly jumping into a conversation with Shadow.

"You excited for tomorrow?" He asked, smiling awkwardly as he glanced at both Shadow and the other two. Shadow merely shrugged. "The plan might have its discrepancies." He replied. "The crew may be spotted with the boat, or your siblings will rat on us yet again." He finished, glancing towards the area where Silver and Mephiles once stood.

"Those two will also pose a large problem." He stated, taking Sonic off guard. "You knew?" Shadow gave Shadow a glare. "I'm not naive or dumb. Telling Silver wasn't going to keep him separated from Mephiles. Mephiles would also grow suspicious of us if Silver suddenly avoided him, so he's doing us a favour." The ebony hedgehog explained, stopping and looking at the room the two hedgehogs presumably entered.

"However, which side he chooses is my main issue." Shadow stated.

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