The Final Fight, Y/N's True Quirk (Part 2 😏)

Începe de la început

Old man: Chisaki. I told you to forget about this. She's a child. Have you completely lost your humanity? If you're set on going against our ideals. Then I'm sorry. You have no place here.

End Of Flashback:

Overhaul: You don't get it. You took me in. I just want to repay you. Not to worry, just lay back and relax. I owe you everything. You were strong, but those diseased heroes backed you into a corner. Once my plan is on track I'll repair you. And you'll thank me, for what I've done. Pops.

Overhaul then gets himself out of his shocked state form the kick.

Overhaul: Why doesn't anybody? See the bigger picture?! I'm going to tear down this entire world! Destroy its every foundation! Your all blinded by some outdated sense of what's right! You're just pretending to be heroes! I wont let you stand in my way!

Overhaul then pulls a Buggy as he removes parts of his body, creating a vortex in the sky of red, paper looking, sheets of red as it then comes together to create large hands. Increasing Overhaul's speed and fighting power.

Izuku: If I can't save Eri and Y/N. Two small children who are relying on me to help them! Then how can I call myself? A hero who saves everybody?!

Izuku then launches a powerful attack which sends Overhaul flying down words. Still in the sky though. Izuku then appears in-front of Overhaul as he readies a punch.

Izuku: Thats who I'm gonna be!

Izuku punches Overhaul right in the jaw, as Overhaul is sent flying back. The shockwave is so large that the people on the ground can feel it as dust is scattered everywhere.

Nighteye: But how? I saw it so clearly. This shouldn't be possible. But this. Is a different set of events.

Nighteye: Does that mean that the future? Can be changed?

Izuku: Even if it's already been decided. Even if it's set in stone. I'll smash that future!

Everyone was smiling, knowing that Overhaul has been defeated. People are being saved, Mr. Aizawa's saved, everyone is. Overhaul's passed out, no sign of waking up. But just when everyone thinks everything's gonna be fine, something happens with Eri.

Izuku: Her Quirk is getting stronger! If she keeps this up...

Despite the fact Overhaul is completely worn out. He continues fighting. As he goes to attack Izuku, and crush him.

Y/N: No. I can't let him die. Not after he saved me and Eri. I refuse to let this happen. I refuse to make my Quirk only protect me! If I can talk to my Quirk, or if I have any control over it. I WANT  TO PROTECT HIM! YOU HEAR ME QUIRK? I WANT TO SAVE HIM, I HAVE TO SAVE HIM!

Suddenly, Y/N pushes up so hes almost standing on Izuku's back as he puts his hands together and focuses. He slowly starts to separate his hands, trying to control his Quirk.

Y/N: I cant effect him from here. So I need to expand my area of attack, which means I need more power. I need to actually put power into my Quirk. My whole life I've been taking out power, trying to keep my Quirk under control. Lets eye what happens when I put in power!

Y/N uses his Quirk as he separates his hands and faces them outwards. And the entire area goes pitch black. When Y/N opens his eyes, his glowing eyes, he sees that everyone's floating in a pitch black void that stretches a whopping 75 meters, people are floating around as IOzuku suddenly stops feeling pain, and Eri's Quirk stops activating.

Izuku: His hallucinations cant be this strong. Can they? It all feels so real. I can see my friends, wait, Y/N's never even met them before. So he wouldn't know what they look like! Then... does that mean?

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