Tony Stark: [Clint fires arrows at hovering Iron Man whose arm-lasers malfunction.] Friday?

FRIDAY: We have some weapon systems offline.

Tony Stark: They what?

Scott Lang: Oh, you're gonna have to take this into the shop.

Tony Stark: Who's speaking?

Scott Lang: It's your conscience. We don't talk a lot these days.

Everyone laughs at Scott's reply, but Tony just scowls at the man.

Tony Stark: Friday?

FRIDAY: Deploying fire suppression system.

Scott Lang: Uh -oh. Oh boy. Whoa!

[Inside the suit Scott sprints through narrow banks of components, chased by a rolling cloud of CO2. He's ejected from the suit.]

Bucky Barnes: [To Steve.] We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now.

Steve Rogers: We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet.

Sam Wilson: No, you get to the jet! Both of you! [Being chased by War Machine.] The rest of us aren't getting out of here.

Clint Barton: As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.

"That's oddly insightful for you, Birdy." Ana says. Clint looks highly offended and everyone just laughs.

Sam Wilson: This isn't the real fight, Steve.

Steve Rogers: Alright, Sam, what's the play?

Sam Wilson: We need a diversion, something big.

Scott Lang: I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half . . . don't come back for me.

Bucky Barnes: He's gonna tear himself in half?

Steve Rogers: You're sure about this, Scott?

Scott Lang: I do it all the time. I mean once . . . in a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS!

"You're the boss!" many around the hall echo, making Scott blush.

"You're seriously gonna tear yourself in half? Awesome." Sirius says, almost it awe.

[He leaps from mobile stairs and lands on War Machine's back as he flies past. He operates his suit's wrist, shuts his eyes and activates a remote. Scott grows into a towering Behemoth and grabs War Machine's leg.]

"Woah" is collectively heard from all around the hall.

Peter Parker: Holy shit!

"Ay ay ay. Language you little shit." Ana scolds. Peter looks confused at her wording, but nods nonetheless. He didn't want to piss off his new mom.

James Rhodes: Okay, tiny dude is big now. He's big now.

Steve Rogers: I guess that's the signal.

Sam Wilson: Way to go, Tic Tac!

Tony Stark: Give me back my Rhodey. [Sam flies feet first into Iron Man.]

"Awe." Rhodey says a little sarcastically, clapping Tony on the back. Said man rolls his eyes at his best friend.

Peter Parker: I got him! [Scott sends War Machine flying and Peter catches him with a web.]

[Scott kicks a bus towards T'Challa. Vision descends and braces himself, splitting the bus in two and protecting T'Challa from harm. T'Challa spots Steve and Bucky sprinting past. Chasing Sam Iron Man evades Scott swinging the wing of a plane at him.]

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