Avengers: AoU 6

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[Thor and Selvig enter into a cave]

Erik Selvig: This is it. The Water of Sight.

Thor: In every realm, there's a reflection. If the water spirits accept me, I can return to my dream, and find what I missed.

Erik Selvig: The men who enter that water, the legends don't end well.

[NEXUS Internet Hub, Oslo, Norway]

Tony Stark: A hacker who's faster than Ultron? He could be anywhere. And as this is the center of everything, I'm just a guy looking for a needle in the world's biggest haystack.

World Hub Tech: How do you find it?

Anastasia Ivanova: Pretty simple actually. You bring a magnet. [she starts playfully singing as she types] Oh, I'm decrypting nuclear codes and you don't want me to. Come and get me.

Bucky smiles and kisses Ana on her head. Ana smiles and leans into it. James is glaring at the happy couple think that should be him.

[Back at the cave with Thor and Selvig, Thor is now in the water and goes back in his vision with Heimdall]

Heimdall: Wake up! [Thor starts getting electric charges going through his body]

Erik Selvig: Thor!

Ultron: [In Thor's visions;] Extinction.

[Thor sees more-- the Avengers, the destruction of Earth. He then sees the the Infinity Stones and their vessels]

"Woah. What are those?" Ron asks.

Thor sighs. "The Infinity Stones. The most powerful objects in existence."

Everyone looks at the screen shocked. How could a bunch of stones be so powerful?

Dumbledore looks at the screen greedily and all he can think of is ways to get control over these. Ana and the rest of the visitors to Hogwarts looked at the headmaster suspiciously and all silently agreed to not trust the man under any and all conditions.

[in Korea with Cho and Ultron]

Dr. Helen Cho: Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream. We're uploading your cerebral matrix...now.

Wanda Maximoff: I can read him. He is dreaming.

Dr. Helen Cho: I wouldn't call it dreams. It's Ultron's base consciousness, informational noise. Soon...

Ultron: How soon? I'm not being pushy.

"Sure sounds like it." Sirius says and many agree.

Dr. Helen Cho: We're imprinting a physical brain. There are no shortcuts. Even if your magic gem is...

[Wanda, reading Ultron's mind, sees a vision of global annihilation, which horrifies her and she screams and falls back into Pietro's hold]

Many are horrified. He was planning to do that? He's is absolutely mad. How on earth does he think that's ok and that that's the answer to everything?

Wanda Maximoff: How could you?

Ultron: How could I what?

Wanda Maximoff: You said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world.

Ultron: It will be better.

Wanda Maximoff: When everyone is dead.

Ultron: That is not-- The human race will have every opportunity to improve.

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