Tony tenses at the scene of the crash being shown again. But otherwise, says and does nothing.

[Four young men and a young woman sit up in hospital beds. The blue fluid is fed intravenously into their arms. The drip bags hang on stands beside them. They're all fit and muscular. One man, Josef, flexes a huge biceps. Josef is screaming, dragged into a cell and left on a bed.]

Josef / Super Soldier #1: It hurts! [He struggles in leather bindings. A viewing slot is closed.]

[Karpov is sitting at a desk in a corridor, making notes and listening. Karpov opens the door to a lab and switches on the light. Josef is sitting on a bed. He looks up at Karpov.]

Many look at the other Super Soldiers sadly. "They had to endure all that pain." many think sadly.

Many send Bucky even more sad looks. He had to go through that too. Probably even worse if what they saw in Captain America: The Winter Soldier was anything to go by.

[Bucky and Josef fight each other in a barred chamber. The four others who were given the blue liquid are there. Josef kicks with enormous power, sending Bucky flying. Watching Karpov folds his arms.
Vasily Karpov: Очень хорошо, Иосиф. ([subtitled] Good work.)

[A medic takes Josef's pulse and Josef slams him onto the floor. A soldier clubs Josef onto the back with no effect. Karpov gets behind Bucky and aims a gun.]

Many in the hall jump at the sudden action taking place.

Vasily Karpov: Солдат, вытащи меня отсюда! ([subtitled] Get me out of here.)

[Josef and the other four Winter Soldiers effortlessly dispatch a squad of Soldiers. Bucky escorts covering Karpov from the barred chamber, batting guards aside.]

Steve Rogers: Who were they?

Bucky Barnes: Their most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in HYDRA history. And that was before the serum.

Sam Wilson: They all turn out like you?

Bucky Barnes: Worse.

"I doubt anyone could be worse than him." James mutters, taking great care to be as quiet as possible.

Though he didn't like any of the avengers, aside from Ana of course, he still knew they were all extremely powerful.

Steve Rogers: The doctor, could he control them?

Bucky Barnes: Enough.

Steve Rogers: Said he wanted to see an empire fall.

Bucky Barnes: With these guys he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize, They can take a whole country down in one night. You'd never see them coming.

"That sounds a lot like the Widows and Dreykov." Nat points out.

Bucky nods. "Yeah, that's kind of where they got the idea from. Since the Red Room was suck a success, why not train more soldiers to be exactly like that?"

Many look at the two Widows sadly. Were they're lives really that bad? Were they treated like those soldiers on the screen?

Sam Wilson: [Sam steps up to Steve.] This would have been a lot easier a week ago.

Steve Rogers: If we call Tony . . .

Sam Wilson: No, he won't believe us.

Steve Rogers: Even if he did . . .

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