No matter what, they would always be with each other. They would always have one another, and they were completely and utterly alright with that.

Bucky Barnes: [Bucky shuts his eyes.] No. [Bucky's head snaps back.]

Helmut Zemo: Ржавый. ([subtitled] Rusted.)

Bucky Barnes: Stop.

Helmut Zemo: Семнадцать. ([subtitled] Seventeen.)

Bucky Barnes: [Bucky's metal arm trembles in its restraint.] Stop. [He sneers angrily.]

Everyone in the hall looks sadly at the screen, then to the door where Ana and Bucky had just exited moments earlier.

Helmut Zemo: Рассвет. ([subtitled] Daybreak.)

[Bucky screams, clenches his fist and rips free of his restraints.]

Helmut Zemo: Печь. ([subtitled] Furnace.) Девять. ([subtitled] Nine.)

[Bucky thumps the inside of the pod.]

A lot of the people in the hall jump.

Helmut Zemo: Добросердечный. ([subtitled] Benign.)

[Bucky punches harder.]

Helmut Zemo: Возвращение на Родину. ([subtitled] Homecoming.) Один. ([subtitled:] One.) Грузовой вагон. ([subtitled] Freight car.)

[Bucky batteres the front of the pod with his metal fist and the glass screen flies clear. Zemo slowly rounds the pod with the book and the torch in hand. he stands before Bucky who straightens, a dark frown on his face.]

Helmut Zemo: Солдат? ([subtitled] Soldier?)

Bucky Barnes: Я готов отвечать. ([subtitled] Ready to comply.)

Helmut Zemo: Mission report. December 16, 1991.

"Why the hell is he so interested in that date?!" Sirius questions.

[Steve and Sam arrive outside the chamber. Red emergency lights flash all around. There are many agents slumped on the floor. All of them out cold.]

Helmut Zemo: Help me. Help.

Sirius gasps. "The little skank!" he exclaims out.

Tony and Clint try to cover up their amusement. Ana is their family. And these marauders guys hurt her. Therefore, they can't give the guy the satisfaction of even laughter.

But, they had to admit, Remus was definitely not bad, and Sirius was growing on them. But James? God James was just fucking insufferable.

Steve Rogers: [Steve finds Zemo in a heap inside the chamber.] Get up. [he grabs Zemo and shoves him against the wall.] Who are you? What do you want?

Helmut Zemo: To see an empire fall.

[As Sam enters Bucky swings his fist which smashes through the wall as Sam ducks. Bucky grabs him by the jaw and throws him at the open pod. Steve lurches into the fight and lands a punch which Bucky barely feels. Bucky kicks and punches Steve out of the chamber. A punch from Bucky goes through the elevator door. Steve blocks the next one but the power of Bucky's fist sends Steve tumbling into the darkened elevator shaft.]

Everyone has worried looks for what's happening.

[In the chamber Sam comes around and spots Zemo looking down the elevator shaft.]

Man on PA #1: Der Ostflügel ist kompromittiert. Ich wiederhole: Der Ostflügel ist kompromittiert. (The east wing is compromised. I repeat: the east wing is compromised.)

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