Well, today was something. I had met the Prince, Duke and the Queen. 


Katherine and I wandered the woods in search of wild fruits and mushrooms. She had volunteered to follow me after today's sales. Market was booming and things sold out fast, I guess in preparation for the next event of the season. 

Although we hadn't heard news about the prince's new bride. After the ball, there was a rumor that the prince hadn't taken any interest in the maidens presented for him. He was rather bored and distant during the event. Katherine did say she had the chance to talk to him and he wasn't much of a great talker at all.

"The incident with the Duke. I did mention it to you, didn't I?" That had been on my mind all day and I was petrified about the outcome of our dance. Was he looking for me?

"Yes, you did. To be honest, you were lucky enough to meet the duke even before the night of the ball and you had the Queen's blessings, danced with the Duke and then you ran away" she repeated. It's almost like she was trying to decipher my impulsive behavior.

"In my defense, it was embarrassing, having told him the story of my life". We had gotten deep into the woods and the greenery scene was a sight to behold. The sound of the waterfall could be heard from here. 

Katherine snorted, an unpleasant one at that. She had mucus from her nose all over her face. She stared at me for a few seconds and we both burst out into fits of laughter. 

"Were you going to say something?" I said pointing at her face. 

"You bloody banshee. Of course I was." She said, wiping her face with her apron. 

"At this point we are both bloody banshees."

"Pray, tell me, what is your problem?" She latched onto my arm pulling me forward.

"Huh. What offense have I committed, oh great one?" 

Eyes slanted, she gave me a murderous look. "Esmeralda Caldwell, you are obnoxiously slow this afternoon. If not for my undying patient spirit, I would have thrown you into a bush a long time ago". 

We stopped at the first tree which had wild mushrooms scattered all over its bark. Setting our baskets down, I immediately fell to the ground grasping my feet in pain. My poor feet. They have gone through a lot.

"Is there something I need to know?"

"Let's not forget. I ran down a flight of stairs while trying to escape. My heel got broken in the process and I had to walk home barefooted."

"Hmm." She took off my slippers and gasped. Was it that bad? "You have pores all over your feet, could you have at least treated it. You will never be able to walk properly like this. Or do you relish in the pain?"

"No. I wish for it to go away" I sighed.

Offering me her hand. "The waterfall, let's go." It was a long walk, having to grab onto her arm and limp all the way there. 

She washed my feet tenderly, dabbing it with a napkin, she tore the same napkin apart and tied both feet. We made our way back and started to pick out the mushrooms. 

Thud, thud, thud. 

"Is that-" Katherine's head peaked up at the sound of hooves hitting the ground. Horses. They were heading this way. It got closer and closer until it finally stopped. 

Katherine held me down and we watched from a corner. The prince and the duke and a considerable number of guards surrounded them. As expected they looked so out of place. They both held their heads high with a stony cold expression. Their presence demanded authority and let's not forget how handsome they both were. 

The prince mounted from his horse, inspecting the soil. He then instructed half of the guards to go away and some had mounted down from their horses also. They seem to be setting up some tents. They were camping here. 

"The land is of good soil. We will spend the night here. As long as it takes to accomplish my mission"he announced. 

"What could be his mission? I don't think we are being attacked, besides shouldn't he be planning the next ball or going on a walk with his choice from the ball." I whispered.

"Who knows. Maybe he didn't find any of the maidens interesting enough. I think it's time we leave, wouldn't want to be caught eavesdropping, would we?"

"Of course not."

We stayed hunched over trying to flee from the scene. I tried my best to stifle the noises from my throat. The little twigs and leaves snapping under my feet made me wince. 

"You two, stop right there." 

The duke.

Our backs stiffened. We had been caught, we stood upright facing away from them. I spared Katherine a glance of doom. I think my life has become a lot more interesting since the arrival of the Prince. I keep getting into trouble somehow.

"Turn around" he ordered. Oh, I hate how commanding he was.

We both spun around at the same time. Our disheveled hair shielding our face from their gaze. 


They had gotten closer. Not just the duke, but the prince, he stood right in front of me ready to unmask. He lightly brushed my hair from my face and those grey stormy eyes stared deep into my soul. They seemed to soften. 

The duke also recognized me. For some reason they both held me under their petrifying gaze. It was as though I was raw meat ready to be devoured by a pack of hungry wolves. Katherine on the other hand joined them, she had no idea what was happening, I mean neither do I. 

We were both clueless as to why they were so interested in my face. Was I ugly? Abnormal maybe.

"You again?" 

A voice said. Not the prince nor the duke. 

The Queen.

ESMERALDA (His Innocent Bride) |18+Where stories live. Discover now