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The thoughts from various family members are almost too chaotic for me to process all at once. I seek refuge in Charlie's mind, only to find he recognizes the monster beside me.

It is quite obvious to me and to Death, as he calls himself, with morbid amusement and curiosity. The different colored eyes of my family do not surprise him, though it is the first time he's ever seen this color.

He bows slightly, his eyes settling on Charlie. "Charles."

"Adam," Charlie says in confusion. "You're the driver I pulled over."

The rest of my family is clueless, but I know immediately whom he spoke of—the incident when Charlie first learned he had some kind of gift.

"Yes, my formative human years—it was almost a decade that I was reborn. Thank you for saving my life."

Charlie can only nod. His mind is nearly numb with the possibilities of what it all means.

"Can someone clue in the rest of the family?" Rosalie insists, with her arms crossed over her chest, her features pinched with worry and frustration.

I honestly don't know where to begin, but Bella starts to tremble in my arms. Instead of answering, I turn to my father and Charlie. "Time is of the essence; I must prepare. We'll be in my room as Adam explains."

"Death," Adam corrects, a sly smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes.

Bella murmurs my name, her breath too cool against my neck. I rush upstairs, desperate to provide her some comfort.





"Who are you?" I don't bother to ask what he is, it's obvious. His skin is as ashen as our own, but his eyes a hue of red I've never seen before. They practically glow.

"Who I am is not important. Adam was my human name, though now, thanks to Edward, I'm partial to Death." He nods at Charlie. "Approximately eighteen years ago, I was trapped in a loop, much like this one, though not quite as far-reaching, and I remembered every version of it. I was meant not only to live but to ensure the conception of Isabella Swan."

Emmett snorts. "Nice."

Charlie rolls his eyes. "I have the same gift as Bella, but not as powerful. It took several tries to get it right."

"But you succeeded?" Jasper and Rosalie question at the same time.

"Obviously." Adam, since I refuse to call him Death, nods. Barely restraining from rolling his eyes.

"I was forever changed that day," Adam continues, his hand rising to run through his long, dark hair. "I knew something had happened, but I realized it wasn't me who had done it. I kept a close eye on Charlie and his little family for this reason, curious to see if he was the one with this ability. I had almost given up, when I witnessed something once again when his wife prepared to leave him."

Charlie goes on to explain, prompted by Adam, my family in awe, and some show fear. If, as humans, Charlie and Bella have this kind of ability, what will they be like as immortals?

Emmett's stance turns protective and defensive, standing in front of the stairway leading to upper floors. "That explains what happened to you and how Bella came to be, but not why you kept killing her when my brother failed to suck her dry."

"The change must be successfully initiated as soon as possible. Him sucking her dry, as you so eloquently put it, would not be a success."

"Why does it have to happen now?" I ask, sensing trouble brewing within my family. I look to Jasper, and he nods, sending a calming wave throughout us.

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