Bang! Bang!

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The Place Between

For the first time in years, I fall into a deep sleep, but only after gathering a slumbering Bella into my arms. The soft weight of her body comforts me and brings me a sense of contentment I had never felt before.

I question my vision a while later, as everything around me seems to be blurred, as if a film coats my eyes and prevents me from seeing things as they are. Bella is no longer sleeping on top of me; her long hair isn't draped across my chest. Anxiety has me spinning in circles, searching for her.

"Bella!" The sound of my voice is muted and indistinct. I see her silhouette walk toward me, her figure as familiar as my own. I run to her, desperate to feel her touch. Whatever is happening, she alone holds the answers. The moment my hands touch her, she becomes more distinct. My beautiful Bella. "What's happening?"

She cocks her head and smiles up me, but it's filled with fear. "The walls are crumbling."

"The bubble that we're stuck in, is that what you mean?" It makes sense, now that we're in sort of a time distortion bubble.

She nods and looks over her shoulder. "I can hear the others; that means something."

"Where are we now?"

She fists her hand in my shirt to pull me closer. "I needed to show you what's wrong." Her hands lift to cover my ears. "Listen with your mind. Become what you are."

I growl, shaking my head and capturing her wrists between my fingers. "Not here. It's the only place I can be with you, truly be with you."

"If the wall crumbles and you're not strong enough, I will likely die by Death's influence. There will be no more do-overs."

She pulls away as tears start to fall down her cheeks. "Keeping this up is killing me. Soon there will be nothing left of my mind, of me. Only a shell."

A whimper falls from my lips as I go to her, but before I can touch her again, she lifts her head up and screams.

It's not a dream, but a nightmare.




The 25th Monday

I gasp awake on the stairs of my family home, realizing that, at most, I have a handful of cycles to find the strength to initiate Bella's change, somehow prevent a war with the Quileute after they learn of what I've done, and stop Bella from disappearing forever.

"Edward?" Alice stands at the foot of the stairs, and her husband is quick to join her. It takes considerable control not to tear him apart.

Jasper senses my rage but doesn't step back, knowing that a move like that would provoke the beast within me. "What have I done to deserve such anger toward me?"

My shoulders sag under the weight of what I've done and what I still have to do. A sound reverberates around the room, only to find it's coming from me. My family surrounds me in one blink of my eyes.

I tell them not to ask any questions as I explain the perpetual hell Bella and I have lived in for what seems like weeks. Their reactions to my story run the gauntlet of emotions.

"Someone needs to go to the borderline and see if anyone other than Bella and Edward is allowed to leave the area." Carlisle paces away from me, his mind running a thousand different scenarios as mine has since this all started.

Jasper shakes his head. "Edward said that we've been as far as Seattle. What if the farther we travel from Forks, we weaken the distortion? It could break, and then we'd only have one chance of her survival."

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