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Y/N was now familiar with the rhythm of Paris, the city that had become her new home. She was heading to school, her heart filled with a sense of belonging that was growing stronger with each passing day. She had heard stories from her classmates about Chloe Bourgeois - the daughter of the Mayor, a girl known for her spoiled behavior and sharp tongue. Chloe had been away on vacation when Y/N moved to Paris and received her Miraculous.

As Y/N entered the school that day, she noticed a commotion near the entrance. A blonde girl, impeccably dressed in designer clothes, was at the center of it all. She was surrounded by a group of people hanging on her every word, laughing at her jokes, and vying for her attention. Y/N didn't need any introductions to know that this was Chloe.

Feeling a mixture of curiosity and a bit of apprehension, Y/N decided to approach Chloe. She walked up to her, weaving through the crowd, and said, "Hi, you must be Chloe. I'm Y/N. I've heard quite a bit about you."

Chloe, taken aback by Y/N's directness, looked her up and down before responding with a smirk, "Oh, so you're the new girl. Yes, I'm Chloe. Welcome to Paris, I guess."

Her words were laced with a hint of condescension, and the smirk never left her face. But Y/N wasn't deterred. She knew Chloe's reputation, and she wasn't going to let it intimidate her. She responded with a smile, "Thank you, Chloe. I look forward to getting to know you better."

After her encounter with Chloe, Y/N headed to class. The classroom was buzzing with chatter, but it all faded into the background as Y/N took her seat. She was still processing her first interaction with Chloe and how she had navigated it.

Not long after, Chloe pranced into the classroom, her entourage trailing behind her. She took a seat next to Adrien, who Y/N recognized from the park. Chloe greeted him with a bright, "Hello, Adrikins!"

The nickname caught Y/N off guard. She glanced over at Adrien, curious to see his reaction. He simply gave Chloe a polite smile, seemingly unfazed by the pet name. Y/N couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise at Chloe's familiarity with Adrien. She wondered about their relationship and how Adrien, who seemed so down-to-earth, was friends with someone like Chloe.

The rest of the day was a whirlwind of lessons and introductions. Y/N was introduced to the rest of her classmates, and she found them to be a diverse and interesting bunch. She was eager to get to know them better and find her place among them.

However, Chloe's 'Adrikins' still echoed in her mind. She decided to ask Adrien about it the next time they met. She knew navigating the social dynamics of her new school would be tricky, but she was up for the challenge. After all, she had already faced Chloe Bourgeois head-on; she could handle anything that came her way.

Later that day, a heated argument broke out in the classroom between Marinette and Chloe. It was over a group project, and Marinette was accusing Chloe of not doing her part. The classroom quickly divided, with most siding with Marinette, except for Adrien and Y/N.

Y/N had been observing the situation quietly, and something didn't seem right. Chloe had been diligently taking notes during the project discussion earlier in the day, which was contrary to Marinette's accusations. So, she decided to step in.

"Actually, Marinette," Y/N started, drawing the attention of the entire class, "I think there's been a misunderstanding. I saw Chloe taking notes during our project discussion earlier."

The room fell silent. Marinette looked surprised, while Chloe looked relieved. The others seemed confused, not expecting Y/N to defend Chloe.

"But Y/N, Chloe is always..." Alya started, but Y/N interrupted her.

"I know Chloe has a reputation, but that doesn't mean she's always in the wrong. We should be fair and listen to both sides before jumping to conclusions," Y/N said, looking at her classmates. She then turned to Chloe and asked, "Chloe, were you not taking notes during the discussion?"

Chloe nodded, "Yes, I was. I even have some ideas for the project."

Y/N's words made everyone in the room rethink their assumptions. They realized they had been quick to judge Chloe based on her past behavior. Marinette, looking a bit embarrassed, apologized to Chloe, and the tension in the room eased.

This incident helped Y/N's classmates see her in a new light. She was fair and unafraid to speak up for what was right.

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