"Yeah." Lillie says. "Should we capture it?"

"We should ask this Pokemon first." I say as we talk a little, the Glameow agrees to let herself be captured.

Glameow: The Catty Pokemon: Normal Type. It claws if displeased and purrs when affectionate. Its fickleness is very popular among some.

And then we also train our Shellos and they both evolve into Gastrodon. They also help us surf through Route 218.

Gastrodon (West Sea): The Sea Slug Pokemon: Evolve from West Sea Shellos at LV:30. Eats beach sand for nourishment. Should one Gastrodon encounter another of a different color, a fierce battle will inevitably ensue.

Gastrodon (East Sea): The Sea Slug Pokemon: Evolve from East Sea Shellos at LV:30. Found more often on the land than in the sea. More active when it's cloudy or rainy out than when the weather is fair.

Then we stop by a town as we're training Floatzel and Luxio, and suddenly, they are hugging each other and won't get separated. The same goes for Piplup and Pikachu. We find out that it is Professor Kodama's work since he wants his Quagsire and Magnemite to be friends.

Team Rocket then appears and steals the machine, but after Quagsire and Magnemite save the hostages and turn off the machine, Luxio evolves into Luxray and sends them flying in the end.

Luxray: The Gleam Eyes Pokemon: Electric Type. Evolved from Luxio at LV:30. It has eyes that can see through anything. It spots and captures prey hiding behind objects.

I think that the machine won't work on Quagsire and Magnemite because of their Ground and Steel Type, and Professor Kodama is delighted as he wants it to become his next research project.

After we arrive at Canalave City, Barry is already waiting for us. "You're going to challenge the Gym Leader up past here, eh? Someone should check to see if you're ready for this challenge! That someone is me! With my brand-new Gym Badge!"

Barry already gets the Canalave Gym Badge, so he wants to battle me and he has a Heracross this time, but with the five Pokemon I still win against him in the end.

"Yeah, yeah, you're just a bit better than me, as usual. But listen up! Let me tell you who's going to take on the Pokémon League and become the Champion. You guessed right! It's going to be me! Anyway, you should be able to take the Gym Leader here. Hurry up and go make the challenge!"

After he leaves, we head to the Canalave Gym, only to find the gym is closed. Byron is not at the gym since he's training on Iron Island, and we also notice some people are sleepy and the shops are closed. When we go to the Police Station, we also find that Officer Jenny is also sleepy.

"What's going on around here, Officer Jenny?" I ask.

"For some reason, over the past couple of days, every single person on the island is having nightmares." Jenny says. "Everyone has gone to another island so this is why Canalave Island is so deserted right now."

"Do you know why this is happening?" Lillie asks.

"Yes, the truth is we have a Darkrai on the island." We are shocked to hear the name of Darkrai.

"And Creselia will come to the island at the same time with Darkrai and use its mystical powers to give us good dreams. For some reason, Darkrai decides to show up early and so far there is no sign of Cresselia and everyone's having nightmares. In desperation, I try to get a Lunar Wing to protect myself from bad guys..."

She shows us the wing, and Dawn also has one that she got from Alamos Town, we decide to compare and I notice that the wing is actually a fake.

"This is just a Pidgey's feather with a dye color. I can say that it can be a good item when filming a movie." I say.

Ash's Story (Part 5: Modern Sinnoh)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon