10.- The challenges of this world

Start from the beginning

"Aww, you're always so busy, Sakura. Do you really need to graduate as a doctor? We're barely in high school!" Mina complained.

Although she felt slightly disturbed by the complaint, she decided she needed to offer a humble response. Now, she couldn't be a ninja, the Fifth Hokage's student, or Team Seven's girl. The only thing she had left was to help people with her medical skills. If she couldn't be at least that, who was Sakura?

Before she could respond, Ilda approached them with his characteristic brisk step and wedged himself between the girls and Sakura.

"Sakura-kun is a great addition to the lives of heroes" Ilda began to say loudly, his voice resonating so loudly that even those in the other corner of the room heard him clearly. "Her vision of being a hero is so honorable, so committed that she has managed to find time to study in high school and pursue a career simultaneously. Her healing abilities will be of great help, just like Recovery's."

Sakura could only see Ilda's broad back hiding her from the view of the girls. She immediately felt moved and grateful for Ilda's intervention. She promised to thank him later. Taking advantage of the distraction caused by Ilda's words, she grabbed her backpack and quietly slipped away to avoid being stopped. She waved to Midoriya, who was standing next to Ilda, with a sweat drop rolling down his neck, and left the classroom.

This time, she took a little more time to leave, so the hallway wasn't crowded with students as it usually was when the bell rang. She took a deep breath and continued toward the entrance to change her shoes.

Assistance and analysis of All Might's body had been temporarily suspended because he was waiting for the results of some tests. Additionally, with the medical exam and the academy's exam just around the corner, Recovery and All Might had told her that she needed to make the most of her time. What better way than to go to the hospital for rounds? Although she suspected they meant she should use her time in a different way.

As she approached the walls that separated the academy from the rest of the city, she was surprised to see Todoroki leaning against the school wall. Some girls whispered and squealed as they passed by him, but he seemed to ignore them completely.

Sakura felt like she grew a second head upon seeing this situation. Was Todoroki waiting for someone? Her mind began to race at the speed of light, thinking about the guys, especially Ilda and Midoriya. She didn't remember making any plans to meet up after school, so her only conclusion was that he was waiting for someone else. A girl, a boy, a teacher, all three? As her eyes met Shoto's, she deliberately slowed her pace, hoping to prolong the time in the hope of discovering the mysterious person.

No one arrived until she excitedly noticed Todoroki stepping away from the wall and starting to walk. She looked around for the person in question, but there were several people around, so she couldn't identify who it was. She thought about how she could use this situation to make the girls forget their complaint about not spending time with them, at least for a while. However, she stopped abruptly when Shoto stood in front of her.

Had they agreed to meet after school? If they had, it must have been during one of the moments when her mind was miles away, busy with a thousand things. Sakura looked at him with a remorseful expression as she waited for Todoroki to speak.

"You're going to the hospital again," Shoto said, mixing affirmation and question since he now knew Sakura better. They not only shared seats, but after the fight with Stein, they had become closer, along with Ilda, which allowed him to understand Sakura and her focus on helping others better.

"Uh, yeah," Sakura replied, still unsure of where this was going.

"I'm heading there too; I'm going to see my mother," Shoto said plainly.

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