Chapter 1

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Parker's POV

I wince quietly to myself, laying on my bed trying to drown out my parent's fighting. It's been at least an hour now, and they haven't stopped yelling. I don't even remember what started it this time.

"That boy is never going to be welcomed here!" My father shouts.

"That boy is your son!" My mother retorts.

Ah... It's about me... Again. I sigh to Matthias, my wolf.

Likely. He replies simply. Why don't we go for a run? Get out of the house for a while?

I'd love to... But that would mean having to go past them. And I'd really rather not right now. I sigh again.

Well, I'm going to retreat farther in. Matthias says simply before delving to his preferred depth of consciousness. He doesn't like to be out and about much.

I sigh again and plug in my earbuds, drowning out their yelling with music. At eighteen years old, I still lived with my parents. Not totally by choice, but I didn't really have many friends. Being gay in a Pack that is firmly against it, I didn't have much luck going my way at all.

The yelling quiets down finally, and there's a soft knock on the door. I don't hear it at first, but it repeats, and I pop out an earbud. "Come in." I say, loud enough for them to hear me.

"Hey, sweetie." Mom says as she walks in slowly, and softly shuts the door.

"Hey, Mom." I reply with a slight smile and sit up, making room for her to sit down on the bed next to me.

"What's going on?" I shyly ask, I know she's here for some reason. There's usually a reason for her coming in, especially after she fights with Dad.

"Your Dad and I have been... talking. And we think it's time to go searching for your Mate. In the cities." She says quietly, taking my hand softly.

"You're... You're kicking me out?" I say, shocked.

"You're eighteen now, and there's no way I can defend against your father... I think it will be for the best, Parker. You can be free to be yourself. And be away from your father." She adds the last part barely above a whisper.

"But what about you?" I whisper back, gripping her hands tightly.

"I survived before... I can survive again..." She says quietly.

"Mom..." I can feel the emotions building tears in my eyes.

"I'll be okay, Sweetie." She caresses my cheek. "I'll get things arranged for you, and help you pack. I just want to make sure you're okay. I can handle life with your father." She says, a tear rolling down her face. "What matters most to me is that you're able to live as yourself, and not what the Pack decides you should be."

I can't even respond. My emotions are too strong and I end up just pulling her into a hug and crying on her shoulder. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, my sweet baby boy." She cries back.

We sit like this for a while, and when she gets up, her face looks like it's aged a few years, just from that one conversation. She wipes the tears off her face and breathes sharply, as she does when she has to be around Dad. "Okay. I'm going to fix dinner. You focus on packing, honey." She sniffs once more and turns to exit my room.

I sit there for a moment more, then decide to follow directions and dig out my suitcase and a few bags from my closet. I fill each bag as best as I can and by the time I'm done, dinner is ready. I sit down at the table and eat silently. The only sounds are the silverware clinking against the dishes.

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