Chapter 35

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Minho spent his entire morning in the kitchen. He was pressured to make his date the most perfect one, and he needed hours to prepare their lunch. Meanwhile, Jisung overslept the whole morning, until he arrived downstairs, his hair disheveled and his pajamas wrinkled, as he entered the kitchen and watched his date thoroughly working on his cooking.

"Oh, are you making lunch?" Jisung asked curiously, approaching and watching him preparing cute little breads. He somehow felt a bit sad when Minho wasn't getting ready for their date. Did he forget?

"No, I'm preparing our food for the picnic" Minho simply responded, and Jisung felt guilty. He underestimated him.

"Why didn't you call me? I can help you" Jisung pouted, walking around the table to face him.

"Nah. I invited you on a date, I want to prepare for you" He confidently answered, warming Jisung's heart a bit too much.

"But we're going on that date together, what if you prepare with me?" Jisung insisted

"Wouldn't that ruin the date?" Minho asked sincerely as he raised his head and looked into Jisung's eyes, truly wanting to do his best even though he was slightly confused.

"Why would it? Let's just start the date early" Jisung said as he waddled to the sink to wash his hands.

"But then, you won't be surprise with the food" Minho frowned, unsatisfied

"I'll be surprised with the location. Good enough for me" Jisung simply said as he shrugged, grinning at him as he waddled back, preparing the little picnic along with his date.

And he did surprise him.

After half an hour of driving, Minho brought Jisung to a beautiful park nearing Seoul. The park was huge, and there weren't too many people, which made more space for the two of them.

They walked along the little river, until they arrived where Minho thought it was perfect.

They sat down beside a tree, just after Minho put down his coat for Jisung to sit on. They took the cooked food out of the bag and started eating as they discussed lightly.

Jisung was struck by the beauty of the setting. And he could feel the little tingling sensation on every fiber of his body from how pleased he was.

That was so new.

"How many dates have you been to before?" Jisung asked curiously, as he ate messily.

"Are you sure that's the kind of thing we talk about on a first date?" Minho asked with a chuckle, his fingers swiftly brushing Jisung's mouth to take out the little pieces of bread.

"No, but I'm curious"

"Define date" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow, as Jisung narrowed his eyes at him

"Is there anything to define?" He asked with a laugh, surprised by his reaction

"I don't know" He shrugged "I've been to a few booty calls, but I don't know if you can call it dates"

"No, you can't" Jisung corrected

"Have you?"

"No, none"

"Really?" He asked as he grinned


"I'm your first date?" He grinned harder

"Yeah" Jisung responded, feeling flustered from the somehow proud smile on Minho's face

"And... about booty calls?" Minho asked shyly

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