Chapter 34

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Since the two had shared that heated kiss in that stupid backseat, they didn't know how to act around the other anymore.

They started doing as if nothing had happened, they would cross each other's path in the mansion as usual, but trying to shake off the information that they had a tongue fight back in the van. 

They didn't mention the event at all, but they started signing to each other subtly.

They would glance at each other, in the meeting room, the living room, while they cooked together, while they ate together. It didn't matter. They would insistently look at each other with those hungry eyes, with heart eyes, sometimes even winking teasingly at the other.

Minho sat at the table, as he discreetly looked over Jisung who was stuffing his cheeks with the food Minho had graciously made. He smiled at the sight right in front of him as he moved his foot under the table, subtly nudging Jisung's foot with it.

He smiled proudly when Jisung looked back at him because of the touch, his eyes diverting almost immediately.

Minho would have been offended if he didn't felt Jisung's foot nudge him back, as they started playing with each other far from the other's sight.

None of them was brave enough to open the discussion on it, but the two couldn't fight the attraction they felt.

At the most random times, and if they were alone, Minho would man up and quickly peck Jisung's lips, before leaving as fast as he could and letting the younger get flustered by himself.

Sometimes, when Minho felt brave enough, he would slap Jisung's ass loudly and wait for the other to yell at him for the hit, before chuckling to himself and awe at his cuteness.

He was whipped.

But those sweet moments couldn't be ignored any longer. Minho was rather happy to not have to talk to Jisung about it, but it has to happen.

Until that night.

Minho had walked Jisung to his room, before stopping in front of his door. 

He turned to him and cupped his cheeks delicately, as he smiled at his pouty lips. He leaned in slowly, until their lips find each other once again. He pecked his lips as he couldn't help but smile in the kiss, and he let his lips linger there for more time than he had used to, before leaning back, seperating their lips and escaping the awkward situation. He could only smile as he heard Jisung's little giggle behind his back.

When he arrived at the end of the corridor, his blood froze as he noticed a widened eyes Hyunjin's, mouth agape as he was ready to yell his heart out. He wanted to slap himself for the lack of attention on his surroundings.

Minho stopped on his tracks as the two stared at the other in shock.

"WAIT WHAT" Hyunjin screamed

"Oh shit-" Minho let out, before running to Hyunjin right away.

"MINHO ARE YO-" He got cut off as Minho slapped his hand on the other's mouth, keeping him shut for a moment.

"Lower your voice" Minho warned, as he took his hand off his mouth and gave him a chance to express himself.

"But... Did I see correctly??" Hyunjin asked, whispering to not awaken Minho's wrath

"You did" Minho confirmed, trying to not show how flustered he actually was

"You two are dating???!" Hyunjin asked excitedly, ready to clap his hands in contentment

"No" He responded, as he watched how Hyunjin's smile slowly disappeared, turning into a pout

"Whaaat, whyyy?" He asked in a whine.

"Are you dating Seungmin?" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow.

Hyunjin opened his mouth to reply, before closing it almost immediately.

"It's more complicated than that" He stated, his tone saddening.

"Then you have your answer" Minho shrugged as he turned on his feet, ready to leave that conversation. But Hyunjin grabbed his arm, turning him back.

"Nooo but, with Seungmin and I, we've been in that strange relationship for years. Jisung has been there recently" Hyunjin tried to convince him, his tone more serious.

"So what?" Minho asked, frowning

"You have to wife him up right now" He responded with a teasing smile

"Ugh" Minho only let out, rolling his eyes

"Trust me, don't let the two of you fall in that situationship case" Hyunjin insisted, trying to keep his face serious, but Minho could only notice the slight hurt in his eyes.

"I'll see"

Jisung jumped as his door opened abruptly, freaking out at the sudden intrusion as he already knew who it was. He turned back madly, ready to lash out on the other for the lack of intimacy.

"Minh-" He cut himself off as the sight in front of him stopped him from actually breathing "Oh"

He gazed at the other with softened eyes, as Minho stood in front of him, a little grin on his face as he handed him a beautiful bouquet.

"H-Hi" Minho stuttered, the situation way too complicated for his little heart.

"Roses?" Jisung asked as he stepped forward, accepting the flowers as he grabbed the bouquet, bringing it to his face as he smelled them.

His smile was unerasable.

"Yeah... You know, because I didn't accept the one you gave to me that last time" Minho awkwardly responded, scratching the back of his head.

"Wow... That's... awfully cute" Jisung responded with a chuckle "And why?"

"Well... I kinda wanted to have a talk with you..." He said, avoiding his eyes

"Because we kissed? Many times?" Jisung teasingly asked, as he noticed Minho rolling his eyes

"We full on made out Jisung" Minho corrected, flushing slightly

"So... You want to kiss more?" Jisung asked as he smiled even harder, and Minho stared at him in amazement.

He didn't even know when he had that sudden switch. When Jisung's face started bringing him immense happiness. He always got slightly lost in the other when he saw the little sparkles in the younger's eyes.

"Yeah... and even more than that" Minho blurted out, slightly unconsciously

"Huh?" He asked as his eyes widened, not ready for so much straight-forwardness

"Not like that!" Minho corrected as he realized the words that left his mouth, panicking slightly "Well, I would like that too, but that wasn't my point" He added, not helping at all

"You're losing me right now" Jisung only responded as he chuckled awkwardly, his face now fully red.

Minho took a huge shaky breath as he tried to man up, before looking back into the boy's eyes

"I wanted to ask you on a date" He finally proposed, and Jisung melted

"A date?" He asked for confirmation, his eyes seemingly shining at the offer.


"I'd love that, Min"

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