Chapter 10

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Jisung let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as Minho left the room.

In fact, Minho didn't hesitate nudging him hard with his shoulder as he felt, which made Jisung feel even more unwelcome.

"Don't mind him" Jeongin said with a smile, tearing Jisung out of his thoughts before walking to him "I'm Jeongin, by the way" He introduced, as they shook hands. He left just after, still buried deep in work.

"Yeah, he'll warm up to you, eventually" Seungmin said with a chuckle "I mean, I hope. I don't even know if he learnt to tolerate me or not at this point" He added "I'm Seungmin"

"For real, Minho had been nothing but a threat to me" Hyunjin responded with a sweet laugh, as he wrapped his hand around Seungmin's shoulders "By the way, sorry for wanting to torture you. I'm Hyunjin, but you already knew" He said with a wink.

"Oh yes. No problem I guess?" Jisung said, a bit weirded out by the whole situation.

"Well, make sure to behave. The torture room is still open. From now on, welcome" Changbin said as a warning, a bit coldly, as he left the room almost immediately. Jisung gulped loudly

"Isn't he hot as fuck when he acts cold?" Felix said with a dreamy sigh, looking right at the door Changbin had just passed through.

The three remaining men in the room laughed loudly at the comment, even Jisung, who really wasn't expecting that kind of comment.

"Horny ass" Hyunjin teased, reminding Felix to stop fantasizing over Changbin and come back to the real world

"Oh yeah!" Felix excitedly said as he waddled to Jisung and shook his hand "I'm Felix!" He introduced, his smile too contagious for Jisung to not smile back.

"Felix, can you show Jisung around? We still have to help Innie with the hacking" Seungmin asked

"Of course!" He said softly as he wrapped his arm around Jisung's one "Follow me pretty boy" He added, and Jisung couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable the sunshine was.

He pulled him to most of the common rooms around. The living room, the kitchen, he showed him the many toilets and bathrooms, which were common but mainly enough for them to use separately.

Jisung stood stunned, amazed by the immensity of the mansion. He had been living in a 10m² for the last few years, he almost felt dizzy.

He showed him around a few 'work' rooms, like the computer room, where Jeongin Hyunjin and Seungmin were diligently concentrated. He showed him the construction room, where Seungmin worked most of the time, Chan's office which was closed, as well as the weapon room.

Jisung stood slightly agape in front of it, amazed by the quantity and quality of every guns and knives.

"This gun is absolutely magnificent" Jisung said, pointing at a silvered gun full of craved ornaments

"This is Hyunjin's little baby. He had provided Seungmin all the building points he wanted for a gun, and Seungmin made it for him" He explained, as Jisung widened his eyes "Hyunjin is a specialist of fire weapon, and Seungmin a genius engineer" He explained, as Jisung nodded.

"Those daggers are absolutely amazing as well. I've never seen a diamond one, ever" Jisung said, mouth agape. That must value thousands.

"This is Minho's collection. I think the diamond one was a present, but I'm not sure" Felix explained "He created most of them, or found them. But we're not really authorized to touch them, he's really possessive with those ones" He added as he pointed his finger at a protected shelf, full of beautiful daggers, some with ornaments, others with lines of gold or silver.

They finished their tour with the many training rooms, and Jisung couldn't help but gasp as the space they had to work out. He couldn't wait to test them all.

When the little tour was over, Felix showed him his room.

Jisung sat down on his new bed, tiredly, looking around.

"This room is bigger than my entire flat" He muttered to himself, but loud enough for Felix to hear it.

"Do you miss your flat?" Felix asked, looking curiously at the other

"No, not at all" Jisung responded with a chuckle "I discussed with Chan and he sent people to bring my things here, and it's way more comfy. It's just... weird" He said with a sigh "I'm not used to being around people... that I don't kill... and it's complicated when I'm an outsider" He said, suddenly feeling a bit too vulnerable, but somehow, Felix had an reassuring aura.

"Look, we're all been together since a really long time, so it's natural if you don't feel completely included. But don't worry, we'll work through it" Felix said with a warm smile.

"Not sure it'll work with Minho..." Jisung said with an awkward chuckle

"Well, Minho is mad at you for basically stabbing him, which I can understand" Felix responded, chuckling

"I was just trying to defend myself" He defended, shrugging

"Yeah, but Minho's brain doesn't think that far" Felix said with a teasing grin

Jisung chuckled at that. He wasn't sure if he was already close enough to mock his friend, but Felix didn't mind.

"And actually, i dont think someone had beaten him before" He responded, thinking it through

"What?" Jisung exclaimed in surprise

"It may be the first time... I don't think I've ever seen Minho getting hurt" Felix added, shrugging

"Oh wow... Okay" Jisung responded, getting more than amazed by the older. Jisung has been through shit before being a good fighter.

"And by the way, you don't have to stress yourself over him. Minho had the same behavior for all of us when we arrived there" Felix explained

"He was the first one there?"


"What happened when you arrived?" Jisung asked curiously, and watched as Felix sat fully on his bed, crossing his legs and getting ready to a little talk.

"Well, I'll tell you my story" He started, clearing his throat "With chaos, I ended up alone for some time. Some burglars killed my dad, who I lived with, it was kinda traumatic" He explained with a laugh, weirding Jisung out even more "So I had to live alone, and I started stealing stuff around. Until I saw Chan around the city. Chan looked reaaally rich, so I was like 'omg i should pickpocket him' and I tried, but guess what? Chan had a little bodyguard" He added, rolling his eyes "Minho literally caught me red handed, and tackled me to the ground, his dagger poking in my nape. Kinda traumatic as well" He laughed it off again, before continuing "Long short story, Chan was sad from my story and decided to take me in, and fortunately I was kinda good at infiltrating and spying, thanks to the years I passed stealing stuff. But Minho, he didn't trust me at all. For MONTHS he would get mad at me for the simple things, and he would have kicked me out if it wasn't for Chan and Changbin defending me" He said, sighing at the end.

"I'm sorry for what you had to go through" Jisung said, and loved the little crunch of his nose when he smiled back at him "But... What did your relationship with Minho end up being like?" He asked curiously.

"I put myself into shit, on a mission, and he got really scared. He saved my ass, and nagged me hard for being irresponsible, and since that time, he had been really ... softer? I don't know" He shrugged "Now we get along really well, he takes good care of me and the others, in his own way"

"I can't see him being nice" Jisung admitted with a chuckle

"Mmh, I'm sure he'll come around"

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