💚Colorblind Alfred❤️

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• A little backstory to this idea •
I was looking at a new Uno game I got and saw that they added little notches at the side to help colorblind people and got the idea 'What if Alfred was colorblind'
I also put a picture at the top so you know what Alfred sees.

Translations at the bottom in order of appearance.

• Hope you enjoy•

«2696 words»

Around the time February 7, 1860, towards the end of the Civil war, Alfred was helping a family escape from a burning building someone lit on fire. He got the mother and daughter out with little injuries. Alfred ask if the father was in there, she said no, he was in the army helping out with the war but her son was still in the house. Alfred immediately ran back in the burning house despite the fact that the house was going to collapse. He found the kid in a bedroom and picked him up and ran for the door. Right as they got to the front door, the porch collapsed down, blocking there way out. The kid saw a little opening they could both crawl through, Alfred pushed the kid through first. Once the kid was through he could hear him yell out 'MOMMY!' and run out to his mom in the street. Just as Alfred was getting on the ground to crawl through the house started collapsing. One of the pillars from the roof fell right on top of him and he passed out.

He remembers waking up in a bright room, a little too bright for his eyes. He looked around and saw he was in a hospital, he looked to his left and saw the woman and two kids he saved. Alfred had damaged his eyes from the smoke, which caused his vision to be distorted. The head trauma plus the smoke damage caused him to go colorblind. Of course he told his closest family plus the Nordics and Prussia. Then Kiku found out after Alfred invited him into his house. He got Alfred a small bouquet of red and yellow tulips, Alfred obviously couldn't tell the difference and only thought they were yellow tulips.

"Oh wow! You didn't have to get me flowers man!" He said looking at them. He hasn't gotten flowers in a while.

"It's the least I could do! You let me into your home." Japan says rubbing his neck.

"Well, they're a very pretty yellow!" America says looking back up a Japan.

Japan was quite for a second, then said. "...And red..."

"Y-Yes! And red!" Red was one of the colors he couldn't see.

Japan was wondering why America didn't say red, did he not like red? He thought.

"Do you not like red?"

"N-No, I do man! I was just looking at the yellow!" America said.

Japan knew he was lying, he was very obvious about too.

"Why are you lying too me? If you don't like the red I can take it back." Japan reaches for the bouquet.
"No! I do! I..." America knew he wasn't going to get out of this by lying.
"What? It's really ok, I do not mind."

"I'm colorblind Japan.."

"You are? Why didn't you tell me! I would have gotten colors you can see!" Japan yelled out a little sad he didn't let him know before hand...wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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