Their hammering heart seemed to slow the more they breathed, vision swimming around in an eyesore of colors. Faintly, they feel you squeezing their hand, whispering one more thing before darkness seemed to invade their mind, eyes fluttering close.

The gas put them under faster than they anticipated, and before long, their world tips to the darkness that is unconsciousness.


You found yourself waiting in the hallway, trying to keep yourself busy either scrolling mindlessly through social apps or reading emails you had forgotten you had.

Who knew how anxiety-inducing waiting in a hospital hallway could be, even if it wasn't for your own sake. You knew the surgery would go well, but you couldn't convince your mind of that either. Waiting in a hallway where everyone seemed to hold their heart in the palm of their hand from worry only seemed to seep the same feeling into your bones.

Sun and Moon will be well. They were in good hands, and after this problem is out the way, you can give them a new start. If they agreed with your offer, then that would make it all the better.

You knew, of course, that trauma doesn't just leave or heal over a few words nor does it do over a few weeks. Trauma needs time.

You knew little of what had happened to them, but if their mindset about their leg is any indication, then even your mind wouldn't comprehend everything about what had happened. And, if you are to be honest, learning of what happened will only make you angry. Sure, while you are a very calm person who uses logic before emotions, your anger is something that could slip away if it grows out of your hand, which is something you don't want happening.

You truly don't. Sun and Moon had seen all of the faces of angry people, and you didn't want your own to be burnt into their memory, even if the anger wasn't directed at them.

So, shoving that down like you always do, you lean over your seat and wait.

You could do nothing but wait.


Sun wasn't one to dream much. Being a heavy sleeper does that to a person, and when he does dream, he finds he cannot remember much of it.

This time shouldn't be any different— being locked in a dark void that is sleep, flouting aimlessly for God knows how long. The gravity of dreams is heavy, but they aren't formed into much a thing. Usually, his dreams are more of something that had actually happened and nothing more than a few glimpses into it.

Despite all that, Sun finds himself in a dream.

The fuzz of it was uncomfortable at best, like cotton forcefully stuffed in his head. Sun sat in a chair with multiple ones alike creating a circle, other people he didn't recognize sat similarly on each. The buzz was growing, dizzying in a sense like an annoying fly just out of reach.

The people around began to take turns. Each and everyone exposing a part of their skin for all to see. Either healed scars were shown or something that is still healing. With that, they take turns. Simple. As if the scars were something that no longer matter— that the reason behind their pain had disappeared. It didn't make sense.

When his turn came, an urge he felt with how everyone's eyes settled on him, Sun began to expose a small amount of his skin, showing his arm to all the eyes staring him down. What he showed were a few scars, healed a long time ago. Somehow, he felt both confident and apprehensive. The eyes stared him down as if judging his very being.

Sun couldn't exactly see their faces, not that he was looking up in the first place, but the shivering ice over his skin told him enough. He was being watched. The eyes didn't seem to look at anything but him, the weight from it heavily crushing the blond into his seat.

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