Chapter 160

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Tommy POV:

"Hey Tommy, you're going to be ok," The person murmured before stepping back, making room for what looked to be a nurse. Tommy's eyes fluttered shut, seemingly far heavier then normal

"Alright Tommy, if you can hear me, please open your eyes again," The nurse's voice said, butting through the other sounds around him. Tommy would have thought that would be any easy task, but the effort required was astounding. It took a lot of effort and left him feeling even more exhausted then before.

"That's good Tommy, that's very good," The nurse promised, her hand finding Tommy's uninjured arm. Tommy flinched hard at the light contact, having not fully registered what was happening. His mind still reeled with the severe lack of knowledge uncertain as to where he was and what was happening. The only thing he could think was that same word, again and again and again.

Danger. Danger. Danger? Danger. Danger! Danger... Dan...ger? Danger. Dangers?

Again and again, his mind trying to work out what was happening.

"It's ok Tommy, I'm not going to hurt you ok, I just want to check your blood pressure," The person- nurse- he had established it was a nurse- explained. Tommy knew not to fight with nurses. They were usually ok. And more often then not, Puffy was close by if a nurse was involved.

"Puffy?" Tommy forced out, his throat dry and croaky, his voice not quiet working. Puffy. Puffy would answer his questions. Puffy was safe. If Puffy was here, Tommy was safe. It couldn't be danger. Not in front of Puffy.

"Can one of you two go get his social worker please?" The nurse asked, before moving back to pay attention to Tommy.

Tommy vaguely felt something slightly cold wrap around his arm, slightly constricting it. He tried not to whine at the feeling, hating it but getting a feeling it was probably important.

Everything felt like a haze, Tommy not quite fully there, but still deeply scared. He heard the nurse move around him- his eyes having shut again- and wondered if sleep would bring Tubbo back. Only he doubted it. Tubbo had seemed pretty certain Tommy wasn't returning to him for a while. Tommy didn't want to go to that void and be alone. He hated being alone- well he preferred it to being scared, but Tubbo wasn't scary. Tubbo was the furthest thing from scary.

"Hey Tommy, it's Puffy, I'm here. You're safe, you're ok."

"Did I miss the lights?" Tommy asked, his voice shaky, knowing the question was stupid considering the context, but he wanted to know, wanted to know if he would get to see them.

"No Tommy," Puffy murmured, her voice breaking slightly as she did, "No, there are some still up."

Tommy sighed at that, glad he'd get to see them. He would move soon, move with Puffy to a new house and he'd get to see the lights with her. That was nice. He could rest with that knowledge.

Words: 500

A/N: a short one, but hopefully a good one?

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now