Chapter 9

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A/N: accidentally named the last chapter chapter 10 instead of chapter 8... I can totally count- XD anyways, it has been fixed now, so, on with the story!

By the time the panicky Tommy and his two nervous and confused companions returned to the school, the whole group, other then Eret and Techno who were missing, had sat back down. Sally virtually exploded up and onto her feet, barely holding herself back from dashing over to the now terrified looking Tommy. A quick shake of Wilbur's head stopped her completely, and she froze, not knowing what to do. Tommy scammed the group quickly, before disappearing into the building. He'd find his own way to his next class. That was the safer option.

As he walked through the halls, searching for the class marked 4C on his timetable, Tommy listened carefully, searching for any footsteps behind him. He warily checked over his shoulders almost every 3 seconds, expecting someone to lung out at him, but no one came.

By the time Tommy had found the class, he was exhausted, the effort of the sprint finally catching up to him. He was about to sit on the floor and rest, when the bell rang, signalling that people would start arriving any second now. Tommy sighed and leaned heavily on the wall behind him. That level of resting would have to do for now.

About two minutes later, Ranboo appeared. The boy stopped dead in his tracks staring at Tommy, concern, and guilt and fear flicked across Ranboo's face, before the concern returned and stuck. Tommy hated the stupidly sympathetic look Ranboo was giving him. He didn't trust it for one, and he certainly didn't appreciate it. Tommy shoved down his glare and stared at his feet. He wanted Ranboo to leave him alone. He preferred being alone. It was what he knew. He didn't know this whole being around people thing, and he certainly didn't trust it. Being alone was easier.

Ranboo didn't come closer, instead leaning against the wall two meters away, watching the door for the teacher's arrival. Tommy regularly felt eyes on him, and he struggled to hold himself together and here. He couldn't run again, he couldn't miss class again, and he couldn't have Ranboo come after him again. So, Tommy shoved down the fear at the piercing gaze, not knowing if it belonged to Ranboo or the other students who were now steadily appearing.

He was grateful when the teacher arrived, not because he trusted the woman, but because it meant he would get to sit down. His legs were now aching from the earlier run, and that didn't help the already ever present aches from Dream's attack earlier that morning.

The teacher let the class in, introducing herself and directing Tommy to a free seat. It was near the front, which wasn't to Tommy's taste. He preferred to be at the back where he could see every threat, but he didn't argue. He never argued. As much as his brain screamed inside him to get to a place where he could see the danger much better, he sat at the front, pulling his stuff out of his bag, and getting ready.

The class began and Tommy scrambled to write down everything he could. The teacher began with a recap of what Tommy had missed, before continuing on to the rest of the lesson. It was over soon enough, and Tommy returned his stuff to his bag and pulled it back onto his shoulders. He stared at the timetable for an anxious second, terrified he would be late to the next class I'd he didn't know the way. Luckily, Tommy recognised the classroom from one he had walked past in his attempt to find this one, and so he retraced his steps through the hallways.

Tommy stuck closely to the walls, ducking between students and avoiding the crowds as best he could. He arrived at his next class and was relieved to see the teacher, already there. This lesson went much the same as the last, although at least in this one Ranboo wasn't there. Conner, however, was. Tommy felt eyes on him almost the entire class, and he wanted to flee with every part of him, but he gripped the desk tightly with one hand, holding himself there somewhat, and he forced himself not to move. He wrote the notes and stayed stock still the entire lesson, wishing those eyes would leave him alone.

The lesson ended after what felt like agonising years of eyes piercing into his skull. Tommy's stuff was in his bag in a second and he was pulling it onto his shoulder when a beaming face appeared in front of him.

"Hiya!" The kid grinned, "I'm Conner! Remember?"

Tommy nodded hesitantly, not sure what else to say.

"You got your own lunch? Or are you getting it from the cafeteria?"

"My own," Tommy replies, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Awesome! We'll walk together to lunch! Has anyone shown you around the school yet?"

Tommy shook his head, not wanting to go with Conner, but also admitting to not being shown around in one movement. Tommy hesitated, not knowing what Conner would take that as.

"Do you wanna eat first, or shall I show you around now? I don't mind," Conner smiled, seemingly happy to lead the conversation. Tommy shrugged, unsure of the answer, but when Conner tilted his head, Tommy realised he would need to choose one. If they ate first, he would have to join the group, where the biggest threat would be. If he took the tour, he would be stuck with Conner, but not the threat, and he might be able to escape before Conner took him back to the group.

"Look around first?" Tommy replied nervously, more of a suggestion then an instruction or a real choice, but Conner beamed happily. The boy pulled his backpack from the table he had left it on, and went to grip Tommy's hand.

Without a second of thought, Tommy's instincts kicked in and he was stepping away, avoiding the hand fearfully. Conner gave him a small hurt look, before dropping his hand back to his side. A second passed in silence, then another and another, before Conner pulled up his usual grin. The smile, however, did not quite reach his still hurt eyes this time.

"Alrighty! This way for the tour!" Conner announced, trying to pull them both into his usual excitement. Tommy simply nodded, following a step behind the other boy. When requested, Tommy passed Conner his timetable, and the boy began showing him to his classes.

20 minutes later, Tommy knew the routes to each class, a fact about each teacher, and something specifically to avoid doing in each class. Mr. Bad apparently had a very insistent no swearing policy that he did not hesitate to send kids to the office for, while Mr. Notfound virtually encouraged swearing in his own class, and highly encouraged it in Mr. Bad's. Of course, students knew better then to swear within Mr. Bad hearing, but Mr. NotFound would regularly offer kids $5 to say "Mr. Notfound said to say fuck you" to Mr. Bad. Mr. Bad on the other hand, would bring in homemade muffins to give his entire class in exchange for them all yelling "language" every time Mr. Notfound swore in their presence.

It seemed to Tommy that the two had some sort of rivalry, and Conner found it hilarious. Tommy didn't really understand what was going on, he just smiled and nodded along, only breaking his silence to give halfhearted laughs whenever Conner laughed at his own jokes.

"If Mr. NotFound pays you, Mr. Bad won't get you in trouble for it. He might lecture you, or even the whole class, but he won't send you to the office, so it's a solid way to earn money. Same for Mr. NotFound, if Mr. Bad offers you something, he doesn't treat it like you've done anything wrong. Just don't do it when another teacher is in the room. Tommy nodded, doubting he would risk Dreams wrath if he did get in trouble, although money was useful. Would help him buy a new set of makeup to cover the bruises if it ever went onto his face or hands.

Conner happily lead Tommy around the school, and Tommy followed the boy, who's eyes had returned to their normal sparkling and excited state. He appeared to have completely forgotten the hurt of Tommy flinching away from him. The boy carried himself as though nothing had ever gone really wrong in his life, as though he could be relaxed in a way Tommy never could.

Tommy did, to some level, understand the idea that not everyone had been through what he had. Puffy insisted that virtually no one did, but he highly doubted that much. He didn't completely doubt that there were people who had lived good lives, and he wondered if Conner was what happened when you got one of those good lives. Tommy didn't know, but something inside him told him not to trust Conner's enthusiasm and genuineness.

Words : 1500

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now