Chapter 16

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Tommy sat through the class, not saying a word to Purpled, and learning as best he could. He had never done software engineering before, and it was confusing. He was lost and confused and waiting for someone to yell at him because he couldn't do it. Why couldn't he do it!? He was a failure, that was why. He was a useless fucking failure. He wanted to give up, wanted to cry, wanted to quit, but he didn't. He just stared at the computer, terrified of asking questions, but having no understanding of what he was supposed to do.

Tommy had no clue how he was supposed to pass this class. He didn't know how he was supposed to get a good score like Dream demanded. He didn't know how he was supposed to do any of this, but he did know that he was supposed to do it. So, he stared resolutely at the mess covering his computer screen, hoping it would form into something that made sense. It didn't.

"Do you want help?" Purpled offered quietly, and Tommy flinched at the sudden noise from the boy who had quietly left him alone, "I'm guessing you haven't done this before? I can give you a crash course, then we can work out why yours isn't working."

Tommy blinked at him in surprise. He was offering to help? Why? What did he want? Did he want Tommy to owe him something? Tommy wanted to say no, to protect himself from whatever Purpled was planning, but he knew he couldn't ask questions, and he knew he couldn't risk failing. So, hesitantly, he nodded. Purpled beamed.

Instantly Purpled was explaining each step of the process and Tommy was scrambling to keep up. By the end, Tommy knew what he was doing.

"Teacher should've taught you all that, but he's pathetic as you can see," Purpled added as he finished explaining. Tommy stared at him, and Purpled nodded to the teachers desk. When Tommy looked, he saw the man, who was supposedly teaching the class, asleep with his feet up on the desk. Tommy looked back to Purpled, who was now laughing wholeheartedly. Tommy gave the other kid a slight smile, which seemed to increase the pure joy on Purled's face somehow. Tommy didn't realise that was possible. He guessed it wasn't. Chances were, Purpled didn't actually find it funny, and was just trying to get Tommy to trust him so that he could break Tommy's heart. Yeah. Tommy knew better then that. He wasn't dumb enough to trust Purpled, or anyone else for that matter.

Tommy looked back to his work, trying to understand everything Purpled had taught him. Eventually the class was over,and Tommy was pretty sure he understood, maybe? Either way it was time to go buy food and head back to Dream's house to study. Then, tomorrow, he'd be here again, and this cycle of hell and confusion would continue, despite Tommy's inability to understand these people.

Tommy was out of the class within an instant when they were let out. He disappeared through the hallways and out of the school. He took a few deep breaths of fresh air, the first he had gotten since this morning, and he started towards the shops.

"Hey Tommy!" A voice called from behind and Tommy hesitated, unsure if he was willing to stop. He knew he should, but if he kept going he could claim he didn't hear them. He hesitated too long. It was obvious he had heard the call and he knew it. So, slowly, he turned, seeing Ranboo run up to him.

"Hey! Hi! Do you mind if I walk with you? I hate walking alone but Eret isn't here. They live across the road from me, so we walk together normally, but not today," Ranboo rambled and Tommy just stared at him, confused as to why he was asking Tommy not one of his friends. Ranboo seemed to recognise the question and his rambling started anew, "Wilbur and Techno are the only other ones who live in this direction, so I would normally go with them if Eret wasn't here, but they are staying back today, Wilbur has music lessons after school, and Techno is in the library while he waits, but I can't wait because I have stuff after school, so I have to go, please can you walk with me?"

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant