Chapter 82

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After a while Phil joined them and suggested that they go shopping for some stuff for Tommy. Tommy wanted to turn the offer down, terrified of what it might mean, but he couldn't risk saying no and sounding ungrateful. Wilbur on the other hand seemed ecstatic at the idea, and rushed upstairs to get changed. Tommy was pretty sure he was meant to follow and do the same, so he did, leaving Phil, who was already dressed and making himself a coffee, and heading upstairs.

By the time he got there, Wilbur was getting changed in the bathroom, so Tommy was pretty sure he'd be safe to change in Wilbur's room, since he had kept insisting it was Tommy's for the next week or so. Still, Tommy got changed as fast as he could, terrified of someone walking in and seeing the bruises still covering his body. His broken rib was becoming more and more obvious, but Tommy just pulled a T-shirt and hoodie over the top, safely hiding all his weaknesses away.

Once he was changed he walked back downstairs, and Wilbur joined them not long after. When the two walked outside and got in the car, Tommy simply followed them, having no idea if it was what he was supposed to do.

This car trip seemed less tense then the one back from the hospital, but it was still awkward whenever Wilbur and Phil tried to include Tommy in conversation and he was caught off guard by it, not realising they were talking to him. Honestly, Tommy didn't understand it. He didn't understand why they cared. He didn't understand why they tried to talk to him, nor why they were going to waste money on him. He didn't understand pretty much anything they did. He wished they would just act normal. Of course he hated the other places, but at least they weren't like this- this strange- this unnatural? He just wished he understood.

Tommy had never had someone play music for him. Tubbo had sung, and his mother used to sing or hum lullabies, but no one else had ever played music for Tommy. Not for Tommy. For other people maybe, but Tommy? Not a chance. Wilbur however, had spent ages playing his guitar and singing, when no one was in the room except Tommy. It was wrong.

Then, Wilbur had been awoken by Tommy's screams and panic, and instead of yelling or hitting him like everyone always did, he promised Tommy would be safe. He stayed until Tommy fell asleep, and then he stayed until he himself fell asleep. Wilbur hadn't hurt him, even when he clearly deserved it, and they didn't seem like they intended to send him back already. It didn't make any sense.

Tommy flinched as the car pulled to a stop, before controlling himself. He couldn't show the fear. He knew that. Knew it better then anything else. Fear was what they all despised and yet loved at the same time. It only ever inspired pain.

"What do you want to do first? IKEA, clothes, decorations or something else?" Phil suggested, looking over his shoulder to see Tommy, making it clear who he was talking to.

"I don't mind sir, whatever you see fit," Tommy replied quietly, knowing there was no correct answer. All of the options suggested spending money on Tommy, and that was not something they would want to do.

"You don't need to call me sir, Phil will be fine, sir makes me feel old," Phil smiled softly. Tommy nodded, terrified that it was some trick, but also knowing never to go against a direct instruction. Phil seemed to accept Tommy's nod as an appropriate response, so he moved on, "How about we start with IKEA, that way we could potentially match other stuff to whatever furniture you get."

Tommy nodded hesitantly, panic starting to creep to the surface as he tried to work out what Phil was planning, what Phil wanted him to do. Was he supposed to find a way out of Phil buying him stuff, or was he supposed to accept it graciously? He didn't know.

Silently Tommy followed Phil into a large shop he'd never been inside before. It was weird, set out completely different to anything Tommy was used to, and he was pretty sure he'd get lost instantly if he didn't stick close to Phil and Wilbur, so he did just that, carefully following in their footsteps.

Phil and Wilbur stopped when they arrived at a collection of beds, so Tommy followed suit, looking around in pure panic. No. There was no way they were buying him this. Not without a price. These were all too much.

"Tommy do you want to look through and see which one you like?" Phil asked, and Tommy nodded, even as the panic grew. He could do this. He'd just have to find the cheapest one. That was how he was going to beat this test. Just find the cheapest thing of everything Phil said he should get. So, he filtered through them, checking their price, the terror building as he saw each one. There wasn't that much money in the amount Phil would've been given to look after him. That meant Phil was paying. That was not a good sign. Not at all. There would be no good answer. Eventually Tommy found the cheapest one, and he motioned towards it nervously.

"I like this one?" Tommy said, although he posed it in a way that sounded as though Phil could say no and Tommy wouldn't be upset. That was the safest way. Making it clear it was Phil's choice. However, it was not Phil who spoke first.

"That one?" Wilbur asked, a note of stunned surprise at the start, and then disappointment creeping in with the second part, "That's the cheapest one... Do you actually like it or did you look at the prices?"

"I like it," Tommy lied, knowing that was the correct answer.

"Are you sure? It's ok if you are, I just want to check, you are allowed to have any of these," Wilbur checked, seemingly ever so slightly frustrated, but Tommy didn't know what else to do.

"This one is good," Tommy said, and finally Phil stepped in.

"Ok, we'll get that one then," Phil said, looking over to Wilbur as if to tell him to let it go, and Wilbur nodded, seeming far from happy about it.

They moved on, finding the drawers, where they did the same thing, letting Tommy choose something, and Tommy  finding the cheapest set of drawers.

"Tommy you don't need to have the cheapest one. Just get something you actually like, please," Wilbur pleaded. Tommy didn't know what to do. There was no way he could ask for anything else. They were all too expensive, even this one.

"I'm ok, this one is nice, I like it," Tommy insisted, terror screeching at him, insisting that even this was too much. Far too much.

"Tommy please, we want to spend money so your room feels like home, not just get the cheapest possible option that you don't like. We want you to like it, not just chose what you think we'll like," Wilbur insisted and Tommy shrugged, not knowing what he was supposed to do. If he was honest, even this set of drawers was far better then anything he'd had before. He rarely got anything to put his measly amount of clothes in, and even if he got a set of drawers, it was usually second hand and poor quality.

"Tommy, if there was no price involved, which one would you get?" Phil asked, his voice gentle, as though trying to walk Tommy through an impossible choice. Tommy's eyes flicked around, trying to gage the correct answer, but he didn't know. To him they all looked pretty much the same.

"This one," Tommy said after a few seconds, hoping they would believe he meant it. There were some that looked nicer, but he really didn't care. Why would he get something to look nice when he's not going to be here for long anyway? He should just get the one that was the safest way to keep him from getting hurt.

"Ok," Phil agreed and they moved on, Wilbur still not seeming as happy as he normally was. Tommy kept a close eye on all of Wilbur's movements, he wasn't impressed and that meant Tommy was in danger.

Phil bought the bed and set of drawers, and then they carefully carried two deconstructed versions of them. Tommy had no idea how it was supposed to go together, but he didn't question it, just helped Wilbur carry it to the car. Tommy had been stunned when Phil had actually bought it. He'd been certain that this was some cruel trick where Phil showed him what he could have and then didn't give it, but no, they had bought it for him and Tommy didn't know why.

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A/N: I was trying to work out if IKEA was all capitals or not, and so I googled it, and found out the reason behind it, and I was very surprised lol, IKEA is named after the initials of founder Ingvar Kamprad, Elmtaryd, the farm on which he grew up, and Agunnaryd, the nearby village. Did anyone else think it was a Swedish word or something? XD

(Side note, I told my cousin this and I'm pretty sure she's judging me severally for knowing it XD)

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